Pay Contractors in Poland: A Complete Hiring Manual

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Are you considering to hire and subsequently pay contractors in Poland? Whether you’re a small business owner or an independent project manager, knowing how to navigate the hiring and payment process is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through all the essential steps and considerations to ensure a smooth experience.

Who is an Independent Contractor in Poland?

In Poland, an independent contractor is an individual who provides services to a client or company under a specific agreement. They are not considered employees and operate as self-employed individuals. Independent contractors have more flexibility and autonomy in managing their work compared to traditional employees.

To be classified as an independent contractor in Poland, certain criteria must be met. These include having the necessary registration with the relevant authorities, providing services to multiple clients, and having control over the way tasks are performed.

Advantages of Being an Independent Contractor

Being an independent contractor in Poland offers various advantages.

1. Flexibility

One of the most significant benefits is the flexibility it provides. Independent contractors have the freedom to choose their working hours and can often work from anywhere, as long as they meet the agreed-upon deadlines. This flexibility allows them to balance their personal and professional lives more effectively.

2. Diversity in Work

Independent contractors in Poland have the opportunity to work on diverse projects for different clients. This variety not only keeps their work interesting but also allows them to expand their skills and knowledge in various fields. By working with multiple clients, independent contractors can build a strong professional network, which can lead to more opportunities in the future.

3. Liberty to Fix Rates

Another advantage of being an independent contractor in Poland is the ability to set their own rates. Unlike traditional employees who receive a fixed salary, independent contractors have the freedom to negotiate their fees based on the value they provide. This gives them the potential to earn more income if they deliver high-quality work and establish themselves as experts in their respective fields.

Challenges Faced by Independent Contractors

While there are loads of advantages an independent contractor enjoys, certain challenges still loom large.

1. Need to Look for Projects

One of the main difficulties is the need to constantly find new clients and projects. Unlike employees who have a steady stream of work provided by their employer, independent contractors must actively market themselves and seek new opportunities to ensure a consistent income.

2. Responsibility of Self-Tax Management

Additionally, independent contractors in Poland are responsible for managing their own taxes and social security contributions. Unlike employees who have these deductions automatically taken from their salaries, independent contractors must calculate and pay these obligations themselves. This requires a good understanding of the tax laws and regulations in Poland to avoid any legal issues.

In conclusion, an independent contractor in Poland is an individual who provides services to clients or companies under a specific agreement. They enjoy more flexibility and autonomy in managing their work compared to traditional employees. While there are advantages such as flexibility, diverse projects, and the ability to set their own rates, independent contractors also face challenges such as finding new clients and managing their own taxes. Overall, being an independent contractor in Poland offers a unique opportunity for individuals to work on their own terms and pursue their professional goals.

Suggested Read: Independent Contractor Agreement 

How is an Independent Contractor in Poland Different from an Employee?

Understanding the difference between independent contractors and employees in Poland is crucial for both employers and workers. While employees work under an employment contract and enjoy certain benefits, such as paid leave and social security contributions, independent contractors operate independently and are responsible for managing their own taxes and benefits.

  • When it comes to working hours, independent contractors have more flexibility compared to employees. They have the freedom to set their own schedules and choose when and where they work. This flexibility allows them to balance their personal and professional lives more effectively.
  • Another significant difference between independent contractors and employees in Poland is the ability to set their own rates. Independent contractors have the autonomy to negotiate their fees based on their skills, experience, and the complexity of the project. This freedom empowers them to earn a higher income compared to employees who receive a fixed salary.
  • Furthermore, independent contractors have the advantage of selecting the projects they work on. They can choose assignments that align with their interests, expertise, and career goals. This ability to cherry-pick projects not only allows them to pursue their passions but also enhances their professional growth and development.

However, with these benefits come certain drawbacks. Unlike employees, independent contractors do not have the same level of job security. They are not guaranteed a steady stream of work and may experience periods of unemployment or gaps between projects. This uncertainty requires them to be proactive in seeking new opportunities and building a strong network of clients.

In addition, independent contractors are responsible for managing their own taxes and benefits. They must ensure compliance with tax regulations, make regular contributions to social security, and handle other financial obligations independently.

Also Read: EOR India- A Detailed Guide on Employer of Record 

Penalties for Contractor and Employee Misclassification in Poland

Misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor or an employee can have serious consequences in Poland. Employers who misclassify workers may face penalties and fines for non-compliance with labor laws and tax regulations.

The penalties for misclassifying workers can vary depending on the severity of the violation and the number of employees affected. In some cases, employers may be required to pay back wages, benefits, and social security contributions that should have been provided to the misclassified workers.

  • Employers who misclassify workers may be subject to fines imposed by the National Labor Inspectorate (PIP) or the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS).
  • The fines can range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand Polish zlotys, depending on the circumstances. The severity of the penalties serves as a deterrent to prevent employers from intentionally misclassifying workers to avoid paying taxes and providing benefits.

Seeking legal advice or consulting with an employment expert can help you navigate the complexities of worker classification and minimize any potential risks. These professionals can provide guidance on the appropriate classification for your workers based on the specific circumstances of your business. They can also assist in reviewing employment contracts, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and implementing necessary changes to avoid misclassification pitfalls.

Additionally, staying informed about the latest developments in labor laws and regulations is essential for employers in Poland. The legal landscape surrounding worker classification can change, and it’s important to stay up to date to avoid any unintended violations.

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What are the Labor Laws in Poland?

In Poland, the Polish Labor Code governs the employment relationship and outlines the rights and obligations of both employers and employees. Below is a brief overview of key aspects related to contractors (self-employed individuals) and employees:

 Contractors (Self-Employed Individuals)

1. Civil Law Contracts (Umowy cywilnoprawne)

Contractors often operate under civil law contracts rather than employment contracts. These contracts include specific types, such as contracts of mandate (umowa zlecenia) and contracts for specific work (umowa o dzieło).

2. Independence of Contractors

Contractors are considered independent entities, and they have more flexibility in managing their work. They are responsible for their own social security contributions and taxes.

3. Payment and Invoicing

Contractors typically invoice for their services and are paid based on the terms agreed upon in their contracts. Payment terms, rates, and invoicing details are negotiated between the contractor and the client.

4. No Employment Benefits

Contractors are not entitled to benefits provided to employees, such as paid vacation, sick leave, or health insurance. They are responsible for arranging their own insurance coverage.

5. Termination of Contract

Contracts with self-employed individuals can be terminated based on the terms specified in the agreement. The termination notice period is typically defined in the contract.


1. Employment Contracts (Umowy o pracę)

Employment relationships in Poland are primarily established through employment contracts. These contracts define the terms and conditions of employment, including job responsibilities, working hours, remuneration, and benefits.

2. Working Hours and Overtime

The standard working time is eight hours per day and 40 hours per week. Overtime work is regulated by law, and employees are entitled to overtime pay or compensatory time off.

3. Leave Entitlements

Employees are entitled to various types of leave, including annual paid leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave. The specific entitlements are detailed in the Labor Code.

4. Social Security Contributions

Employers are responsible for deducting and contributing to social security and health insurance on behalf of their employees. Employees also make their own contributions.

5. Termination of Employment

Termination of employment can occur for various reasons, such as redundancy, termination by mutual agreement, or dismissal for cause. The Labor Code specifies the conditions and procedures for termination.

6. Collective Bargaining Agreements

The Labor Code acknowledges the role of collective bargaining agreements in regulating employment conditions. These agreements may be negotiated between employers and trade unions.

7. Employee Representation

In larger companies, employees may have the right to establish works councils to represent their interests in relation to the employer.

8. Payroll Cycle

It is mandatory for all employers to make payments to employees monthly.

9. Probation Period

In Poland, the maximum probation period timeline is 3 months.

10. Severance Pay

It is mandatory for employers to offer severance pay to employees if the former initiates the termination process.

Note: It’s crucial to consult the latest version of the Polish Labor Code and seek legal advice for comprehensive and up-to-date information, as employment laws can undergo changes. The specifics of individual contracts and employment relationships may vary based on the nature of the work and industry.

Suggested Read: Employee Misclassification Guide- The Key to Avoiding Hefty Penalties 

Steps to Hire a Contractor in Poland

When hiring a contractor in Poland, it’s essential to follow a structured process to ensure a successful engagement. These steps will guide you through the hiring process:

Step 1: Identify your needs and define the scope of work

Before hiring a contractor in Poland, it’s crucial to identify your specific needs and clearly define the scope of work. This will help you communicate your expectations effectively and ensure that the contractor understands the project requirements.

Step 2: Research and find suitable contractors

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, it’s time to research and find suitable contractors in Poland. You can start by asking for recommendations from friends, colleagues, or industry associations. Additionally, you can explore online platforms and directories that connect contractors with clients.

Step 3: Conduct interviews or assessments to evaluate their skills and experience

After shortlisting potential contractors, it’s essential to conduct interviews or assessments to evaluate their skills and experience. This step will help you determine if the contractor has the necessary expertise to handle your project effectively. You can ask for samples of their previous work or request references from past clients to gain insights into their capabilities.

Step 4: Negotiate the terms of the contract, including rates, deliverables, and deadlines

Once you have identified a suitable contractor, it’s time to negotiate the terms of the contract. This includes discussing rates, deliverables, deadlines, and any other specific requirements. It’s crucial to have open and transparent communication during this stage to ensure that both parties are aligned on expectations.

Step 5: Prepare and sign a written independent contractor agreement

After finalizing the terms, it’s important to prepare a written independent contractor agreement. This legal document will outline the rights and responsibilities of both parties, including payment terms, project milestones, confidentiality clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms. It’s advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement complies with Polish laws and protects your interests.

Step 6: Ensure that the contractor is properly registered and compliant with Polish regulations

Prior to commencing work with the contractor, it’s crucial to verify that they are properly registered and compliant with Polish regulations. This includes checking if they have the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally in Poland. Ensuring compliance will help you avoid potential legal issues and ensure a smooth working relationship.

By following these steps, you can establish a solid foundation for a successful working relationship with your contractors. Taking the time to carefully select and onboard a contractor will increase the chances of achieving your project goals efficiently and effectively.

Also Read: How to Pay Contractors in Your Business? The Ultimate Guide 

Important Considerations for Hiring and Managing Contractors in Poland

When hiring and managing contractors in Poland, there are several key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Clearly define expectations and deliverables in the contract
  • Establish effective communication channels
  • Provide necessary resources and support
  • Ensure compliance with Polish labor and tax regulations
  • Maintain regular check-ins and performance evaluations
  • Handle any disputes or issues professionally and promptly

By addressing these considerations, you can foster a productive working relationship with your contractors and achieve your desired outcomes.

1. Setting Clear Expectations

One of the most crucial aspects of hiring and managing contractors in Poland is clearly defining expectations and deliverables in the contract. This step ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the project scope, timelines, and desired outcomes. It is important to include specific details such as the expected deliverables, quality standards, and any milestones or deadlines that need to be met.

2. Maintaining Proper Communication

Establishing effective communication channels is another vital consideration. Open and transparent communication is key to successful collaboration with contractors. It is important to determine the preferred communication methods, whether it be through email, phone calls, or project management tools. Regularly scheduled meetings or check-ins can also help to keep everyone on the same page and address any concerns or questions that may arise.

3. Resource Support

Providing necessary resources and support is essential for contractors to perform their work effectively. This includes providing access to relevant tools, software, and equipment required for the project. Additionally, offering guidance and support when needed can help contractors overcome any challenges they may encounter during the course of their work.

4. Staying Compliant

Ensuring compliance with Polish labor and tax regulations is crucial to avoid any legal issues. It is important to familiarize yourself with the local labor laws and tax regulations to ensure that your contractors are classified correctly and that all necessary taxes and contributions are paid. This can help prevent potential penalties or disputes in the future.

5. Periodic Performance Evaluation

Maintaining regular check-ins and performance evaluations is necessary to monitor the progress of the project and the performance of the contractors. Regular feedback sessions can help identify any areas for improvement and provide an opportunity to recognize and reward exceptional work. This ongoing evaluation process can contribute to a positive working environment and motivate contractors to deliver their best work.

In the event of any disputes or issues that may arise during the course of the contract, it is important to handle them professionally and promptly. Open communication and a willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions can help resolve conflicts and maintain a positive working relationship. Having a clear dispute resolution process outlined in the contract can also provide a framework for addressing any issues that may arise.

By considering these important factors when hiring and managing contractors in Poland, you can establish a strong foundation for a successful working relationship. Taking the time to address these considerations can help ensure that your contractors are set up for success and that your project is completed to your satisfaction.

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How to Draw up an Independent Contractor Agreement in Poland

Drafting a clear and comprehensive independent contractor agreement is crucial to establish the terms and conditions of the engagement. Here are some key elements to include:

  • Identification of the parties involved
  • Description of the services to be provided
  • Payment terms, including rates and invoicing details
  • Intellectual property rights and confidentiality provisions
  • Termination and dispute resolution clauses
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Consulting with legal experts or using template agreements can help ensure that your independent contractor agreement covers all necessary aspects and protects both parties involved.

Do’s and Don’ts of Designing an Independent Contractor Agreement to Hire and Pay Contractors in Poland


1. Clearly Define the Working Relationship

Clearly outline that the relationship is that of an independent contractor, not an employment relationship. Specify that the contractor is not entitled to employee benefits.

2. Detail Scope of Work and Deliverables

Clearly define the scope of work, project milestones, and deliverables expected from the contractor. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings about the project’s requirements.

3. Specify Payment Terms

Clearly state the payment terms, including the rate, frequency of payment, and any additional expenses or reimbursements. Be transparent about the currency and mode of payment.

4. Include Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Clauses

Insert clauses to protect sensitive information and intellectual property. Clearly articulate the contractor’s responsibility to maintain confidentiality during and after the contract period.

5. Address Intellectual Property Rights

Clearly outline who retains the intellectual property rights to the work produced during the contract. Specify whether the contractor or the hiring party owns the rights.

6. Include Termination Provisions

Clearly define the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract. Include notice periods and any associated termination fees.

7. Specify Compliance with Laws

Ensure the agreement explicitly states that the contractor will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including tax obligations.

8. Indicate Independent Contractor’s Autonomy

Emphasize the contractor’s independence by allowing them flexibility in how the work is performed. Avoid specifying detailed control over the methods used to achieve the results.


1. Avoid Ambiguity in Contract Language

Avoid vague or ambiguous language that could lead to misunderstandings. Use clear and concise language to articulate terms and conditions.

2. Do Not Provide Employee Benefits

Clearly state that the contractor is not entitled to employee benefits, such as health insurance, vacation, or retirement plans.

3. Avoid Control Over Working Hours

Refrain from dictating specific working hours or requiring the contractor to work on-site unless necessary. Independent contractors should have control over their own schedules.

4. Do Not Overlook Tax Implications

Be aware of tax implications and avoid language or arrangements that may blur the line between independent contractor and employee status.

5. Avoid Excessive Restrictions

While protecting your interests, avoid imposing overly restrictive clauses that might hinder the contractor’s ability to take on other clients or projects.

6. Don’t Neglect Insurance Considerations

Depending on the nature of the work, consider insurance requirements and liabilities. Specify whether the contractor is required to carry their own insurance.

7. Avoid Omitting Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Include a dispute resolution clause outlining the process to be followed in case of disagreements or conflicts between the parties.

8. Don’t Skip a Review by Legal Professionals

It’s crucial to have the independent contractor agreement reviewed by legal professionals familiar with Polish labor and contract law to ensure compliance.

Adhering to these do’s and don’ts can help create a clear and legally sound independent contractor agreement in Poland. Always seek legal advice to ensure compliance with local regulations and to address specific circumstances.

Also Read: Foreign Independent Contractors- Guide to Best Practices 

How Payroll Works When You Move Ahead to Pay Contractors in Poland

When it comes to paying contractors in Poland, understanding the payroll process is vital. Here’s an overview of how payroll works for contractors:

  1. Calculate the agreed-upon pay based on the contracted rates and hours worked
  2. Generate an invoice or payment request
  3. Make the payment to the contractor within the agreed-upon timeframes
  4. Keep proper records and documentation for tax purposes

It’s crucial to ensure timely and accurate payroll in order to maintain a positive working relationship with your contractors.

Tax Filing Requirements for Contractors in Poland

Contractors in Poland are responsible for managing their own taxes and meeting the relevant tax filing requirements. As an employer, it’s important to understand the following:

  • Contractors need to submit their Personal Income Tax or PIT form to the designated tax office by 30th April. The PIT forms include:
    • PIT-36 for self-employed professionals;
    • PIT-37 for earnings from contract of mandate/commission
  • In addition to the above documents, contractors are required to submit the following vital information via e-Urzad Skarbowy portal:
    • Client contract;
    • The National Identification Number that is used in Poland- PESEL number;
    • Tax Identification Number, that is, the NIP Number

Working with an experienced tax professional can help ensure compliance with Polish tax regulations and minimize any potential risks.

Tax Compliance for US-Based Companies

If you are a US employer with your company operating out of the US, you need to collect the W-8 BEN form from all your foreign contractors and submit these to the Internal Revenue Service or IRS. The importance of this form is that the IRS uses it to establish the non-resident foreign status of the contractors for taxation purposes. Further, you will also have to submit Form 1096 to the IRS to maintain a record of your payments to foreign contractors.

Minimum Wages for Contractors in Poland

The minimum wage in Poland, as of 1st July 2023, is PLN 3600 per month. Only employees fall under the minimum wage legislation here. Therefore, it is clear that the minimum wage rule doesn’t apply to independent contractors in Poland. Nevertheless, it is a good practice to offer contractors fair payment rates in exchange of the work they will deliver.

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Best Ways to Pay Contractors in Poland

In Poland, various payment methods can be used to pay contractors. The most common and widely accepted methods include:

1. Bank Transfer (Przelew Bankowy): To Pay Contractors in Poland

This is a secure and widely used method. Ensure you have the contractor’s bank details, including the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and Bank Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT). Many Polish businesses prefer this method for its simplicity and traceability.

2. PayPal: To Pay Contractors in Poland

Some contractors may prefer PayPal for its ease of use and international acceptance. It’s important to note any associated fees, and both parties should have active PayPal accounts.

3. Cash Payments: To Pay Contractors in Poland

While less common for larger transactions, cash payments might be accepted for smaller jobs. However, this method lacks the traceability of electronic payments.

4. Cheques: To Pay Contractors in Poland

Cheques are used less frequently due to longer processing times and potential complications. Ensure the contractor is willing to accept cheques and be aware of the associated processing delays.

5. Payment Cards (Credit/Debit): To Pay Contractors in Poland

Depending on the contractor and the nature of the work, credit or debit card payments may be an option. Be aware of any transaction fees associated with card payments.

6. Online Payment Platforms: To Pay Contractors in Poland

Apart from PayPal, other online platforms like TransferWise (now Wise) or Revolut may be suitable for international payments. Verify if the contractor has an account on these platforms and check for any applicable fees.

When deciding on a payment method, consider factors such as the contractor’s preference, the amount and frequency of payments, transaction fees, and the level of security and traceability required. Always ensure that both parties are comfortable with the chosen method and that it complies with any legal or tax regulations in Poland.

Suggested Read: Invoice for Contractors- The Guide to Making an Ideal One!

Currency and Other Considerations to Pay Contractors in Poland

If you’re paying contractors located outside Poland, currency conversion and international payment considerations may come into play. Factors such as exchange rates, transfer fees, and potential delays should be evaluated when deciding on the best payment method.

Asanify offers the best FX rates, thereby making it a convenient choice among employers to manage global contractor payroll and release payments instantaneously. Let this contractor payroll tool simplify things for you while you get to devote time to building your business.

Tax and Other Payroll Costs for Contractors in Poland

In addition to their agreed-upon rates, contractors in Poland are responsible for various taxes and contributions. These can include income tax, social security contributions, and health insurance premiums.

It’s important to clearly communicate the financial obligations to contractors and ensure that they receive the necessary tax documentation to fulfill their obligations.

Termination or Extension Terms for Independent Contractors in Poland

The termination or extension of an independent contractor’s engagement should be clearly outlined in the independent contractor agreement. Include provisions for notice periods, termination reasons, and procedures for extending or ending the engagement.

Working with contractors can provide flexibility, but it’s essential to navigate termination or extension terms properly to maintain positive relationships and avoid legal issues.

Also Read: Terminating a Contractor- Know How to End an Agreement Politely

How to Convert an Independent Contractor in Poland to an Employee?

Converting an independent contractor to an employee in Poland involves several steps. It’s crucial to comply with local labor laws and regulations. Here’s a general guide:

1. Assess Legal Implications

Understanding the legal distinctions between independent contractors and employees in Poland is a must. It is also important to consider the implications for social security contributions, taxes, and employment benefits.

2. Negotiate Terms

Discuss the transition with the independent contractor, addressing changes in working hours, responsibilities, and compensation.

3. Draft a New Employment Contract

Create a comprehensive employment contract outlining the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. Further, make sure to include details such as working hours, job responsibilities, salary, benefits, and any probationary period.

4. Provide Necessary Information

Request personal and banking details, tax identification numbers, and other necessary information from the individual to set up the employment records.

5. Register with Social Security and Tax Authorities

Registering the employee with relevant social security and tax authorities to ensure compliance with legal requirements is yet another vital step to transitioning the role of a contractor to a full-time employee.

6. Adjust Tax Withholding

Update tax withholding according to the employee’s status and make the necessary arrangements to deduct income tax from the salary.

7. Inform Relevant Authorities

Don’t forget to notify appropriate authorities about the change in employment status, such as the National Labor Inspectorate or the Social Insurance Institution.

8. Provide Employee Benefits

Enroll the employee in mandatory benefit programs, such as health insurance and pension schemes, as required by Polish labor laws. This is necessary to stay compliant.

9. Ensure Compliance with Notice Periods

If there’s a notice period in the independent contractor agreement, ensure a smooth transition adhering to the specified notice period.

10. Consult Legal Professionals

Seek advice from legal professionals or labor consultants to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Remember that employment laws can vary, and it’s essential to stay informed about the latest regulations in Poland. Consulting with legal professionals familiar with Polish labor law can provide specific guidance based on your situation.

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Quick Wrap Up: Pay Contractors in Poland

Hiring and paying contractors in Poland involves understanding the differences between independent contractors and employees, following proper hiring procedures, and complying with labor and tax regulations. By considering the steps and considerations outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently navigate the process and create successful working relationships with your contractors.

Frequently Asked Questions: Pay Contractors in Poland

Q: What’s the difference between an independent contractor and an employee in Poland?

A: Independent contractors and employees have different legal classifications, obligations, and benefits. While employees work under an employment contract and enjoy certain benefits, independent contractors operate independently and are responsible for managing their own taxes and benefits.

Q: What are the penalties for misclassifying a worker in Poland?

A: Misclassifying a worker can lead to penalties and fines for non-compliance with labor and tax regulations in Poland. It’s crucial to correctly classify your workers to avoid legal issues and ensure compliance.

Q: What’s the best way to pay contractors in Poland?

A: The best payment method depends on the preferences and convenience of both parties. Direct bank transfers, online payment platforms, electronic fund transfers, and payroll providers are common options to consider.

Q: What are the tax filing requirements for contractors in Poland?

A: Contractors are responsible for managing their own taxes and meeting the relevant tax filing requirements in Poland. They must register as self-employed, submit tax returns, and make regular tax payments. Maintaining accurate records of payments and obtaining necessary tax documentation is important.

Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.