Payment Terms for Contractors in Philippines: Key Points

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In the world of contracting in the Philippines, payment terms and schedules play a critical role. These aspects are not to be taken lightly, as they can greatly impact the relationships between contractors, sub-contractors, and clients. This article aims to explore the key points surrounding payment terms for contractors in Philippines, shedding light on why they are important, who sets them, how contractors charge for their work, and much more. So, let’s get started and see what crucial things you need to know about payment terms for contractors in Philippines!

Table of Contents

Why include payment terms in contracts?

When engaging in any contractual agreement, clarity and understanding are crucial. This is especially true when it comes to payment terms. By including specific payment terms for contractors in Philippines in contracts, all parties involved are on the same page regarding the expectations and obligations surrounding compensation. It helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line, ensuring a smooth process for all.

Payment terms in contracts also serve as a reference point in case issues arise. For example, if a client fails to make a payment on time, having the payment terms clearly outlined in the contract provides a basis for discussions on late fees or consequences. This clarity can help facilitate communication and resolution in a professional manner, without causing unnecessary strain on the business relationship.

Moreover, well-defined payment terms can also help with budgeting and financial planning for both parties. Knowing when payments are due and the specific conditions for payment can assist businesses in managing their cash flow effectively. On the other hand, clients can also benefit from clear payment terms as they can plan their own financial obligations accordingly, ensuring a mutually beneficial and sustainable partnership.

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payment terms for contractors in Philippines

Who Sets the Contractor Payment Terms in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the process of setting contractor payment terms involves a delicate balance of factors that can significantly impact the outcome of a project. Apart from the negotiation between the contractor and the client, external influences such as government regulations and economic conditions can also play a role in determining the payment terms.

For instance, certain industries may have specific guidelines or legal requirements that dictate how payments should be structured and processed. Moreover, the timeline for payments is another crucial aspect that requires careful consideration.

Some projects may involve milestone payments, where release of funds happens upon the completion of specific project stages. This approach helps ensure that both parties are fulfilling their obligations and that the project is progressing as planned. On the other hand, other projects may follow a more traditional payment schedule, with payments made at regular intervals or upon project completion.

Ultimately, the establishment of fair and transparent contractor payment terms is essential for fostering trust and collaboration between all parties involved. By clearly defining the payment terms at the outset of a project, potential misunderstandings and disputes can be minimized, leading to a smoother and more successful project delivery.

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What are the main contractor’s payment terms in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the main contractor’s payment terms often include a combination of down payments, progress payments, and a final payment upon completion. A common practice is for the contractor to request a down payment at the beginning of the project to cover initial costs and mobilization. Progress payments are then made periodically throughout the project based on predetermined milestones. Finally, the remaining balance is settled upon successful completion and handover.

It is important for both parties, the client and the contractor, to clearly outline these payment terms in the contract to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on. The down payment amount is typically a percentage of the total project cost and is agreed upon before the project commences. Progress payments are usually tied to specific deliverables or stages of completion to ensure that the work is being done satisfactorily and in accordance with the agreed-upon timeline.

Let’s now have a look at the various aspects related to the main contractor’s payment terms in the Philippines:

1. How do contractors charge for their work in the Philippines?

Contractors in the Philippines typically charge for their work based on various factors, such as the scope of the project, complexity, materials required, labor costs, and overhead expenses. They may use different methods of pricing, including fixed-price contracts, cost-plus contracts, or time and material contracts. It is crucial for contractors to accurately assess the project’s requirements to provide a fair and reasonable cost estimate.

Fixed-price contracts are commonly used in the construction industry in the Philippines. With this type of contract, the contractor agrees to complete the project for a set price. This provides clients with cost certainty and protects them from unexpected expenses. However, contractors must carefully calculate their costs to ensure they do not incur losses on fixed-price projects.

Cost-plus contracts, on the other hand, involve the client reimbursing the contractor for the actual costs of the project plus an agreed-upon percentage as profit. This method provides transparency as clients can see where their money is being spent. It also incentivizes contractors to control costs to maximize their profit margin. However, clients may be concerned about potential cost overruns with this pricing structure.

2. Currency

In the Philippines, contractors typically prefer to receive payment in Philippine pesos (PHP). PHP is the official currency of the Philippines. Both domestic transactions and payments from clients, including contractors accept this form of currency. While some contractors may be open to receiving payments in other currencies, especially in international contracts, PHP is generally the standard choice due to its stability and widespread use within the country. Additionally, receiving payment in PHP eliminates the need for currency conversion and potential fluctuations in exchange rates, which can simplify financial transactions for contractors operating in the Philippines.

Contractor management

3. Payment Methods or Types Preferred by Contractors in the Philippines

Contractors in the Philippines often prefer to receive payments through convenient and efficient methods that suit their needs and preferences. Some common payment methods preferred by contractors in the Philippines include:

Bank Transfers: Direct bank transfers from the client’s bank account to the contractor’s bank account are a popular choice. This method is secure, fast, and allows for easy tracking of payments. Many banks in the Philippines offer online banking services, making it convenient for contractors to receive payments directly into their accounts.

Online Payment Platforms: Platforms like PayPal, Payoneer, and TransferWise (now Wise) are widely used by contractors in the Philippines for receiving payments from international clients. These platforms offer secure and convenient ways to transfer funds electronically, often with lower fees compared to traditional bank transfers.

Mobile Wallets: Mobile payment apps like GCash and PayMaya are gaining popularity in the Philippines and are used by contractors to receive payments from clients locally. These apps allow for quick and easy transfers of funds between users and can be linked to bank accounts for seamless transactions.

Checks: While less common for smaller transactions, some contractors in the Philippines may still accept payments via checks, especially for larger projects or clients who prefer this method. However, checks can be subject to longer processing times and may incur additional fees for clearing.

Remittance Centers: For contractors in rural areas or those without access to traditional banking services, remittance centers like Western Union and LBC Express can be a convenient option for receiving payments from clients both domestically and internationally.

Overall, contractors in the Philippines have a variety of payment methods to choose from, depending on factors such as the nature of the transaction, the preferences of the client, and the contractor’s accessibility to banking services.

Contractor payroll solution

How do contractors in the Philippines protect their cash flow?

Contractors in the Philippines face cash flow challenges, particularly due to delayed payments or non-payment by clients. To protect their cash flow, contractors often include provisions in contracts that outline penalties for late payments, charge interest on outstanding amounts, or require performance bonds or guarantees from clients. Additionally, maintaining good relationships with clients and having open lines of communication can help address any payment issues promptly.

Another effective strategy that contractors in the Philippines employ to safeguard their cash flow is to diversify their client base. By working with multiple clients across different industries, contractors can reduce their dependency on a single source of income and minimize the impact of delayed payments from one client. This diversification not only helps in stabilizing cash flow but also opens up opportunities for growth and expansion.

Moreover, some contractors in the Philippines opt to implement efficient invoicing and payment tracking systems to ensure timely payments from clients. By sending out invoices promptly, following up on outstanding payments, and keeping detailed records of all financial transactions, contractors can better manage their cash flow and mitigate the risk of late or non-payments. These streamlined processes not only improve financial stability but also enhance the overall business operations of contractors in the competitive construction industry.

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Contractor payment schedule in Philippines: Risks and Benefits

A contractor payment schedule is a plan that outlines when and how payments are to be made throughout the duration of a project. The schedule can significantly impact the contractor’s cash flow and profitability. While a well-structured payment schedule ensures regular income, it also presents risks, such as clients defaulting on payments or delays in project milestones. Contractors must carefully assess the risks and benefits associated with different payment schedules before agreeing to any terms.

One of the key benefits of having a clear payment schedule is that it helps establish trust and transparency between the contractor and the client. By clearly outlining when payments are due and what milestones need to be met to trigger those payments, both parties have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. This can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line, ultimately leading to smoother project execution.

On the other hand, a rigid payment schedule can sometimes hinder the progress of a project, especially if unexpected delays or changes occur. In such cases, flexibility in payment terms can be beneficial for both parties. For example, allowing for adjustments to the schedule based on unforeseen circumstances can help maintain a positive working relationship and ensure the project stays on track.

Contractor payment schedules are of varied types. Let’s see what these are while also understanding the respective risks and benefits offered by these payment schedules:

1. Prepayment

Prepayment, as a payment schedule for contractors, refers to the practice of receiving a portion of the total project payment upfront, before the commencement of work or completion of milestones. This upfront payment is typically agreed upon and specified in the contract between the contractor and the client. Prepayment can take various forms, such as a fixed percentage of the total project cost or a specific amount agreed upon by both parties.


  • Risk Mitigation: By receiving a portion of the payment upfront, contractors can reduce the risk of non-payment or late payment by the client. This can be especially important for contractors working with new or unknown clients.
  • Enhanced Trust and Commitment: Requesting or accepting a prepayment can demonstrate confidence in your ability to deliver the project and can also signal to the client that you are committed to their project.
  • Improved Cash Flow: Prepayment provides immediate cash flow to the contractor, which can be particularly beneficial for covering upfront costs such as materials, labor, or other expenses associated with starting a project.


  • Non-Performance Risk: Clients may be concerned about the risk of the contractor not fulfilling their obligations after receiving a prepayment. This can lead to reluctance on the client’s part to agree to prepayment terms.
  • Perception of Financial Instability: Clients may view contractors who request prepayment as financially unstable or in need of immediate cash, which could potentially impact their perception of the contractor’s reliability or professionalism.
  • Disputes Over Project Scope or Quality: If there are disagreements or disputes over the project scope, timeline, or quality of work, the prepayment can complicate matters. Clients may feel that they have less leverage to negotiate changes or seek remedies if they have already paid upfront.

2. Payment Upon Delivery

Payment upon delivery implies the arrangement where the client makes full payment for the contracted services or goods at the time of their delivery or completion. This payment method contrasts with other payment schedules, such as prepayment or installment payments, where the client pays before or during the course of the project. Payment upon delivery is commonly used in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and freelance services.


  • Simplified Payment Process: This payment schedule simplifies the payment process for both parties, as there are no installment payments or prepayment arrangements to manage, reducing administrative burdens and potential payment disputes.
  • Client Satisfaction: Clients may appreciate the transparency and simplicity of payment upon delivery, as it demonstrates trust in the contractor’s ability to deliver on time and meet their expectations, which can enhance client satisfaction and foster long-term relationships.
  • Immediate Revenue Generation: Payment upon delivery ensures immediate revenue generation for contractors, as they receive full payment upon completing the work or delivering the goods, which can help improve cash flow and financial stability.


  • Disputes Over Project Scope or Quality: Payment upon delivery could complicate matters if there are disagreements regarding project specifications, timelines, or the quality of work delivered, potentially leading to disputes between the contractor and the client.
  • Non-Performance Risk: Clients may be hesitant to agree to payment upon delivery if they are concerned about the contractor not fulfilling their obligations or delivering satisfactory work. This can lead to reluctance on the client’s part to agree to this payment schedule.
  • Cash Flow Strain on the Client: Requiring payment upon delivery may pose a burden on clients’ cash flow, especially if they have limited financial resources or are dealing with multiple projects simultaneously.

3. Line of Credit

A line of credit refers to a financial arrangement between a contractor and a financial institution, typically a bank, that provides the contractor with access to a predetermined amount of funds that they can borrow and repay flexibly within the established credit limit. This arrangement allows contractors to manage their cash flow efficiently by accessing funds as needed to cover project expenses, labor costs, materials, and other operational expenses.


  • Opportunity for Growth: Access to a line of credit can facilitate business growth and expansion by providing the necessary funds to invest in new projects, acquire assets, hire additional staff, or pursue strategic initiatives that contribute to business development.
  • Mitigation of Payment Delays: A line of credit can help mitigate the impact of payment delays from clients or delays in receiving payments for completed projects by providing immediate access to funds to cover operational expenses and bridge cash flow gaps.
  • Flexibility: A line of credit provides contractors with flexibility in managing their cash flow by allowing them to access funds as needed, providing a financial safety net to cover unexpected expenses or capitalize on business opportunities.


  • Overborrowing: There is a risk of overborrowing or exceeding the approved credit limit, which could lead to financial strain and difficulties in repaying the borrowed funds, potentially impacting the contractor’s creditworthiness and financial stability.
  • Interest Costs: Contractors may incur interest costs on the funds borrowed from the line of credit, which can add to the overall project expenses and affect profitability if not managed effectively.
  • Dependency on External Financing: Contractors who rely heavily on a line of credit to finance their projects may become overly dependent on external financing, which could pose risks to their financial health if market conditions change or if they experience difficulties in accessing credit.

Contractor management

4. Net 10, 30 and 60

Net 10, 30, and 60 are common payment terms used in contractor agreements to specify the timeframe within which the client must make payment for the services or goods provided by the contractor. These terms indicate the number of days following the invoice date within which payment is expected to be made.

  • Net 10: This implies that payment is due within 10 days of the invoice date.
  • Net 30: Similarly, this means that payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.
  • Net 60: This translates to the completion of payment within 60 days of the invoice date.


  • Client Satisfaction: Shorter payment terms may enhance client satisfaction by demonstrating responsiveness and flexibility in accommodating their payment preferences, potentially fostering positive long-term relationships and repeat business.
  • Competitive Advantage: Offering favorable payment terms, such as Net 10 or Net 30, can give contractors a competitive advantage in attracting clients who prioritize prompt payment and value contractors who offer flexible payment options.
  • Improved Cash Flow: Offering shorter payment terms, such as Net 10, can help contractors improve cash flow by accelerating the receipt of funds, allowing them to cover expenses more quickly and reduce reliance on external financing.


  • Cash Flow Challenges for Clients: Shorter payment terms could pose challenges for clients with limited financial resources or cash flow constraints, as they may struggle to make timely payments within the specified timeframe, potentially leading to strained relationships or disputes.
  • Strained Client Relationships: Shorter payment terms, such as Net 10, may strain client relationships if clients perceive them as too demanding or inflexible, especially if they have cash flow constraints or payment processing delays.
  • Increased Administrative Burden: Managing shorter payment terms requires contractors to monitor payment deadlines closely, follow up on overdue invoices, and potentially enforce late payment penalties, increasing administrative burden and resource allocation.

5. The 2/1o Net 30 Principle

The “2/10 net 30” principle is a specific payment term often used in contractor agreements and other commercial transactions. It specifies a discount incentive of 2% for early payment, providing clients with an opportunity to receive a discount if they pay their invoices within a certain timeframe.


  • Enhanced Client Relationships: Providing clients with the opportunity to save money through early payment discounts can foster positive relationships and goodwill, potentially leading to repeat business and referrals.
  • Risk Mitigation: Early payment discounts can help mitigate the risk of late payments or non-payment by incentivizing clients to settle their invoices promptly, thereby reducing the contractor’s exposure to cash flow disruptions and financial uncertainty.
  • Client Incentive: The prospect of receiving a discount encourages clients to prioritize timely payment, potentially reducing the need for follow-up reminders and minimizing payment delays.


  • Impact on Profit Margins: While early payment discounts can improve cash flow, they may also impact profit margins, especially if a significant portion of clients consistently take advantage of the discount, resulting in lower overall revenue.
  • Administrative Complexity: Managing early payment discounts requires careful monitoring of payment deadlines, calculation of discount amounts, and coordination with clients to ensure accurate and timely payment processing.
  • Reduced Revenue: Offering early payment discounts can result in reduced revenue for the contractor, as clients who take advantage of the discount pay less than the full invoice amount.

6. End of the Month

End of the month refers to the agreement between a contractor and a client where payment for services rendered is due at the conclusion of the calendar month in which the work was completed. This payment schedule is often used in various industries and can have both benefits and risks for contractors.


  • Predictable Payment Timing: Establishing end-of-month payment terms for contractors in Philippines provides them with a predictable schedule for receiving payments, allowing for better cash flow management and financial planning.
  • Simplified Invoicing: Aligning payment deadlines with the end of the month can streamline the invoicing process for contractors, reducing administrative burden and ensuring timely submission of invoices.
  • Enhanced Client Relationships: Providing clients with a consistent and convenient payment schedule can contribute to positive client relationships, demonstrating professionalism and reliability in financial matters.


  • Cash Flow Delays: Depending on the timing of project completion and invoicing, contractors may experience delays in receiving payments under end-of-month terms, especially if submission of invoice is at close to the end of the month and processing times are slow.
  • Impact of Payment Delays: Delays in receiving payments at the end of the month can affect the contractor’s cash flow and liquidity, potentially leading to difficulties in covering expenses or pursuing new projects during the interim period.
  • Dependency on Client Payment Practices: End-of-month payment terms are contingent upon clients processing and releasing payments in a timely manner, which may be subject to delays or disruptions depending on their internal payment processes and financial constraints.

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payment terms

Sub-contractor Payment Schedule in Philippines

Sub-contractors in the Philippines also rely on payment schedules to ensure they receive timely compensation for their services. The sub-contractor payment schedule is typically aligned with the main contractor’s schedule, and payment terms are often specified in the sub-contract agreement. Sub-contractors should ensure they have a clear understanding of the payment schedule and seek legal advice if necessary to protect their interests.

It is important for sub-contractors to be aware of the legal framework surrounding payment schedules in the Philippines. The Philippine law mandates that you need to make all payments to sub-contractors promptly and in accordance with the agreed terms. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal consequences for the main contractor, including fines and possible termination of the contract. Therefore, both parties must adhere to the payment schedule to maintain a harmonious working relationship.

Furthermore, sub-contractors should keep detailed records of all transactions and communications related to payments. This documentation can serve as crucial evidence in case of any disputes or delays in payment. By maintaining thorough records, sub-contractors can protect themselves from potential payment issues and ensure they receive fair compensation for their work. Clear communication and transparency between all parties involved are essential to uphold the integrity of the payment schedule and foster trust in the business relationship.

Negotiating and Agreeing to the Payment Terms of Contractors in Philippines

When negotiating and agreeing to payment terms with contractors in the Philippines, both the client and the contractor must engage in transparent and open communication. It is essential to discuss factors such as payment milestones, due dates, acceptable payment methods, and consequences for late or non-payment. By carefully considering these factors and negotiating fair terms, both parties can establish a solid foundation for a successful project.

Moreover, it is crucial for both parties to clearly outline the scope of work and deliverables in the contract to avoid any misunderstandings regarding payment terms for contractors in Philippines. This detailed documentation can help prevent disputes and ensure that both parties are on the same page throughout the project. Additionally, discussing potential scenarios that may impact the payment schedule, such as changes in project scope or unforeseen delays, can help both parties prepare for any contingencies that may arise.

Furthermore, establishing a clear line of communication for addressing any payment-related issues is key to maintaining a positive working relationship. By setting up regular check-ins or progress meetings to review payment milestones and address any concerns, both the client and the contractor can proactively manage any potential payment challenges that may arise. This proactive approach can help prevent misunderstandings and build trust between both parties, ultimately leading to a successful project outcome.

contractor payment

How to Form a Contract in Compliance With the Laws of Philippines?

The Civil Code of the Philippines governs all the contracts here, and this outlines specific provisions related to contracts, obligations, and damages. This legal framework provides a comprehensive guide for individuals and businesses entering into contractual agreements, ensuring that their rights and obligations are clearly defined and protected under the law.Furthermore, when drafting a contract in the Philippines, parties should pay close attention to the specific requirements for different types of contracts, such as sales contracts, lease agreements, and service contracts.

Each type of contract may have unique provisions and considerations that you need to take into account to ensure its validity and enforceability in accordance with Philippine law. Moreover, it is essential for parties entering into a contract in the Philippines to be aware of any cultural or customary practices that may influence the interpretation or enforcement of the contract. Understanding the local business customs and practices can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes, ultimately leading to smoother contract negotiations and implementation. By taking a comprehensive approach to contract formation that considers legal requirements, specific contract types, and cultural nuances, parties can create solid and legally compliant agreements that protect their interests and promote successful business relationships.

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Contractor Invoicing in Philippines

Contractor invoicing in the Philippines is an essential aspect of the payment process. Contractors should provide clear and detailed invoices that include relevant project information, such as the project name, description, agreed-upon rates, and a breakdown of the completed work. Invoices should also clearly indicate payment due dates and accepted payment methods to facilitate prompt and correct payment processing.

Moreover, it is crucial for contractors to ensure that their invoices comply with the local tax regulations in the Philippines. This includes including the necessary tax identification numbers, VAT details, and any other required tax information on the invoice. Failure to adhere to these tax requirements can result in penalties and delays in payment processing.

Additionally, contractors should maintain accurate records of all their invoices for accounting and tax purposes. Keeping a well-organized invoicing system not only helps in tracking payments and outstanding balances but also simplifies the process during tax season. By maintaining detailed records, contractors can easily provide documentation in case of an audit or tax inquiry.

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Payment Terms for Contractors in Philippines

Quick Wrap Up- Payment Terms for Contractors in Philippines

Payment terms and schedules are central to successful contractor-client relationships in the Philippines. By including clear and fair payment terms in contracts, conducting effective negotiations, and ensuring compliance with the relevant laws, all parties can establish mutually beneficial agreements. Contractors should carefully manage their cash flow, protect themselves against payment risks, and maintain open lines of communication with clients throughout the project.

Moreover, it is essential for contractors to establish a solid invoicing system to track payments accurately and efficiently. This system should include detailed breakdowns of services rendered, costs incurred, and payment deadlines to avoid any misunderstandings or delays in the payment process. By maintaining organized and transparent invoicing practices, contractors can streamline their financial operations and foster trust with their clients.

Additionally, building strong relationships with reputable financial institutions can provide contractors with access to flexible financing options to support their projects. Establishing partnerships with banks or lenders can help contractors secure lines of credit or loans to cover upfront costs and mitigate cash flow challenges. By leveraging financial resources effectively, contractors can enhance their project capabilities and take on larger and more complex contracts with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions- Payment Terms for Contractors in Philippines

1. What should contractors consider when negotiating payment terms with clients in the Philippines?

When negotiating payment terms, contractors should consider factors such as scope of work, project milestones, due dates, and acceptable payment methods. They should also discuss late payment penalties and performance guarantees to protect their interests.

It is important for contractors to have a clear understanding of the project scope and deliverables before entering into negotiations. This will help them accurately assess the time and resources required for the project, which in turn will enable them to negotiate fair payment terms. Contractors should also consider the potential risks and challenges associated with the project, such as changes in scope or unforeseen circumstances, and discuss how you will address these in the payment terms.

2. How can contractors protect their cash flow in the Philippines?

Contractors can protect their cash flow by including provisions in contracts that allow for penalties and interest on late payments. This serves as a deterrent for clients who may otherwise delay payments, ensuring that contractors receive their dues in a timely manner. It is also advisable for contractors to maintain open lines of communication with clients throughout the project, regularly following up on payment status and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.

In addition, contractors should consider seeking legal advice when drafting contracts to ensure that they are in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Legal professionals can provide guidance on the best practices for protecting cash flow and navigating any potential legal challenges that may arise.

3. What is the role of a sub-contractor payment schedule in the Philippines?

A sub-contractor payment schedule aligns with the main contractor’s schedule and ensures timely compensation for sub-contractors. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a smooth workflow and fostering positive relationships between contractors and sub-contractors. By clearly outlining the payment terms and schedule, the sub-contractor payment schedule helps to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes regarding compensation.

Sub-contractors should carefully review the payment terms and seek legal advice if needed. This will help them understand their rights and obligations, as well as ensure that the payment schedule is fair and reasonable. It is also important for sub-contractors to maintain accurate records of their work and invoices, as this will facilitate prompt payment and help resolve any payment-related issues efficiently.

4. What are the key elements to consider when forming a contract in compliance with the laws of the Philippines?

When forming a contract, it is important to consider elements such as offer and acceptance, consideration, legality, capacity, and genuine consent. These elements form the foundation of a legally binding agreement and ensure that the contract is enforceable under the laws of the Philippines.

Offer and acceptance refer to the mutual agreement between the parties involved, where one party makes an offer and the other party accepts it. Consideration refers to the exchange of something of value, such as goods or services, which forms the basis of the contract. Legality ensures that the contract is not in violation of any laws or regulations, while capacity refers to the legal ability of the parties to enter into a contract.

Genuine consent is crucial to the validity of a contract, as it ensures that all parties have willingly and voluntarily agreed to the terms and conditions. It is advisable to seek legal advice when drafting a contract to ensure that you address all these elements and that the contract complies with the laws of the Philippines.

5. What should be included in a contractor’s invoice in the Philippines?

A contractor’s invoice should include relevant project information, such as the project name, description, agreed-upon rates, and a breakdown of the completed work. It should also indicate payment due dates and accepted payment methods for prompt processing.

In addition to these basic details, contractors may also include any additional terms or conditions related to the payment, such as late payment penalties or discounts for early payment. Including a clear and concise summary of the work performed and the corresponding charges will help ensure transparency and facilitate smooth payment processing.


Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.