Internship completion letter template: Write an amazing one in under a minute

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An internship is the start of a professional career for a lot of people. And completing one feels amazing for the candidates. But this experience could be really dampened if candidates don’t receive a well-written experience letter. So, here’s how to write an amazing internship completion letter! 

I have also added a downloadable template for your convenience. You can download it, customize it and send it out to your interns. As easy as that!

Download the free template for the internship completion letter now!


What is an Internship completion letter?

In India, many companies conduct internship programs, to provide opportunities to students in different fields and to help them develop their careers. Many organisations, both private and public, conduct internship programs. Students apply to the respective organisation based on their interest to join.

After the completion of internships, the HR or the employer provides the student with a certificate for the work they did during the internship. This serves as proof that they have completed the internship and now have the basic corporate know-how to work or take a job.

Internships help students to develop their skills, get ready for the corporate world and show them career paths.

In some places, internship certificates also work as experience letters and act as a document of proof that the intern has done said work at the internship.

Is an internship experience letter the same thing?

Yes, an internship experience letter is exactly the same thing.

These are 2 different terms used to describe the same HR letter. Both of them are used as proof that an intern has successfully completed his or her internship.

Why is an Internship completion letter from employer important?

This HR letter is very important because it is used as proof that the intern worked with your company for a given period of time. It talks about the amount of time they worked there and the kind of work.

In the future when this intern goes to apply for a job, they’ll use this letter as proof that they do have prior corporate experience and know-how to work and conduct themselves in a professional environment.

The HR or the employer often uses this internship completion letter as a base to understand the candidate’s past experience. Since it also contains a little about the intern’s soft skills and other qualities, HR may use this as a reference to judge character and/or work ethic.

How to write an Internship completion letter?

The internship certificate letter should include the following:

  • Date of issuing the letter
  • Name of the intern
  • Internship period (date of joining and leaving)
  • Department of work
  • Internship project Name
  • Brief description of the project
  • Congratulatory statement (because the intern successful completed the internship)
  • Best Wishes to the intern

Dos and Don’ts of an internship completion letter

It may seem trivial. After all, interns are possibly at the lowest rung in your company. But it is also important to understand that they are at the start of their career, seeking guidance, and very often direction.

This letter could play a huge role in the kind of jobs they get later on in life because it in a way proves that they had a strong foundation built for themselves in the work they did.

So, here are a few things you definitely need to be mindful of when you write this letter

Dos (of an internship experience letter)

  1. You want to be as clear and specific as possible. Give details wherever possible
  2. Keep it genuine. Don’t go on and on about how you think they’ll do such an amazing job with the new role. Here, short and sweet is the way to go!
  3. Lastly, don’t forget to add your phone number or email id so that the candidate can get in touch for any reason.

Don’ts (of an internship experience letter)

  1. GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!! Nothing worse than this to show the other person you don’t care.
  2. Use generic language.
  3. Use language that makes it sound like a contract. I know I said that it should be formal. But you can make it sound friendly too.


Hopefully, by now you have downloaded the Internship completion template. If now, what are you waiting for? Click here to download it! Remember, internships are a big deal. So, make sure you give it the importance it deserves and end it with an awesome letter.


What is an internship completion certificate?

It is a certificate, letter or proof of completion by a particular candidate. It talks about the intern’s job role, work done, duration of the internship and so on.

Why is an internship completion letter required?

It is required because it acts as proof that the intern has successfully completed the internship and it also mentions the duration and work done during the internship!

Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.