Employer of Record India Cost: All That You Need to Know!

Are you planning to expand your business operations in India? Wondering how to engage talent from India compliantly? Well, you are exactly where you ought to be! Navigating the complex landscape of global workforce management requires a deep understanding of the Employer of Record India cost involved. After all, getting a grasp of the pricing structure will help you take an informed decision as to whether it is going to be a suitable choice for you.

For businesses like yours, looking to expand their operations in India, the Employer of Record (EOR) service plays a pivotal role in ensuring compliance, managing payroll, and providing a smooth entry into the Indian market.  In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Employer of Record services in India, exploring the cost factors and the pricing structure.


What is an EOR?

Before delving into the cost structure, it’s essential to understand the role of an Employer of Record. An EOR is a third-party entity that takes on the responsibility of managing HR, payroll, and compliance matters for businesses operating in a foreign country. In a country like India, where regulatory complexities and stringent labor laws abound, an EOR becomes a strategic partner for international companies.

To simplify the idea of EOR further,  consider it as a professional service that enables companies to expand their operations into a new country without the complexities of establishing a legal entity. Resorting to EOR services allow a foreign entity to hire and manage employees, handle payroll, ensure compliance with local labor laws, and oversee HR functions without setting up a legal presence in the country. As a result, things become a whole lot simpler and more smooth. The hassle of decoding the elaborate laws and compliance mechanisms can be easily avoided because the EOR service provider will do the core work of simplifying things and ensuring that you stay compliant- by adhering to all the norms of the land.

Also Read: EOR India- A Detailed Guide on Employer of Record 

How do the Employer of Record Services Work?

  • When a company engages an EOR service provider in India, the provider becomes the legal employer of the company’s workforce in India.
  • The EOR handles administrative tasks, including payroll processing, tax withholding, benefits administration, and compliance with local labor regulations.
  • The client company retains control over day-to-day operations and the management of its employees. The EOR service provider just takes care of the HR, payroll, and compliance requirements and doesn’t intervene in the internal functioning of the company.

Key Employer of Record India Services

  1. Compliance and Legal Requirements:
    • India’s regulatory landscape is dynamic, with frequent changes in labor laws and compliance requirements.
    • An EOR ensures adherence to local laws, handling everything from employee contracts to tax obligations.
  2. Payroll Processing:
    • Accurate and timely payroll is crucial. EOR services cover salary processing, tax withholding, and compliance with India’s complex payroll regulations.
    • According to a survey by PwC, 75% of companies in India identified payroll complexity as a major challenge.
  3. Employee Benefits and Insurance:
    • Providing benefits and insurance is a key component of EOR services in India.
    • Statutory benefits such as Provident Fund (PF) and Employee State Insurance (ESI) are managed by the EOR.
  4. Administrative Support:
    • EOR services encompass administrative tasks, including onboarding, offboarding, and employee record maintenance.

Factors Influencing the Employer of Record India Cost

A host of diverse factors influence the Employer of Record (EOR) India cost. For instance, determinants such as company size, geographical location, and service period cast a direct impact on the EOR cost. Let’s check out what these factors are, and to what extent do they impact the Employer of Record India cost:

1. Size of the Company

When it comes to defining the Employer of Record cost, the company size plays a dominant role. This is because, smaller companies will have relatively less number of employees as compared to a large enterprise employing a huge workforce. Therefore, depending upon the size of your business and employee strength, the EOR pricing will vary. The larger the firm, the more diverse services will be needed to manage the global workforce. This will escalate the Employer of Record India cost.

2. Geographical Location of Hires

The country from where you are recruiting talent has a final bearing on the EOR pricing. Say, you are hiring from a country where the labor cost is on the higher side with cumbersome employment laws in place. This automatically translates to the charging of higher fees for managing payroll and offering other EOR services.

The best thing about hiring talent from India is that you get access to cost-effective labor. Owing to the differences in living cost, you can engage highly-skilled employees from India at an economical rate as compared to that of the western countries. Further, service providers like Asanify EOR India offers excellent services at a much affordable value with top-notch support.

3. Tenure of EOR Service

The total time period, for which you are using Employer of Record services, also plays a huge role on the charges that you need to pay for availing these. If you plan to use EOR India services for a prolonged period, you might get a great discount from the service provider. This is often the case.

EOR service providers like Asanify offers the right balance between economy and effectiveness. If you are looking for a value for money option, Asanify EOR India can turn out to be a splendid choice for you. Interestingly, it is the only EOR company that stands out from its competitors owing to its cost-effective rates and remarkable service.

Suggested Read: Hire Employees in India Through EOR- Your Go-to Guide 

How Much Does an Employer of Record Cost?

Owing to an array of factors impacting the Employer of Record India cost, there is no absolute figure of the price. However, getting an idea of the price range of EOR services will help you take a better stock of the purchasing decision. As a standard, the EOR price range lies between 5% to 15% of the compensation of employees. Further, additional charges for customization or special arrangements may be applicable on top of it.

In most cases, the EOR service providers calculate the charges in one of the these two following ways:

  • As a percentage of the usual salary of employees;
  • As fixed monthly charge for each employee

Asanify offers exquisite EOR services at an unbelievably reduced rate. Using it will give you the best return as it is the most economical option available in the market at the moment. Services ranging from HR and payroll administration, compliance management to taxation, everything will be taken care of. The best thing is that you get to save lots of time that you can tactly use in building your business rather than worrying about compliances and penalties.

Employer of Record Pricing Structure

The cost of EOR services in India can vary based on factors such as the size of the workforce, industry, and the scope of services offered. Here’s a general breakdown:

1. Service Fees

  • EOR providers typically charge a service fee. This can be a percentage of the total payroll or a fixed monthly amount.
  • According to industry reports, service fees can range from 4% to 10% of the total payroll.

2. Setup Fees

  • Some EOR providers charge a one-time setup fee to cover the initial onboarding and customization of services.
  • Setup fees may range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity of the engagement.

3. Foreign Transaction (FX) Fees

  • As is obvious, you will have to pay your employees in the currency as is applicable in their jurisdiction (in this case, INR). Failure to do so may be interpreted as violation of Indian labor laws. For your ease, the EOR company might provide you with invoices that would reflect the amounts in your currency.
  • Doing so would incur an additional FX fee because the service provider needs to take it into account for currency exchange coverage.

4. Additional Costs

  • Additional costs may include expenses related to compliance audits, legal support, and customized services.
  • These costs are usually outlined in the service agreement and can vary based on specific client needs.

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Myths Related to Employer of Record India Cost

Widespread prevalence of myths and confusions concerning Employer of Record services cloud the minds of new users with worries. It’s high time that we bust these myths so that you can gain clarity of the services that you are going to use in the coming days. Let’s see what these are:

Myth 1: “EOR Services Are Too Expensive for Small Businesses”

One common myth surrounding Employer of Record (EOR) services in India is that they are prohibitively expensive, particularly for small businesses. While it’s true that EOR services come with associated costs, the belief that they are exclusively tailored for larger enterprises is a misconception. In reality, EOR providers often offer scalable solutions, accommodating businesses of various sizes. Small businesses can benefit from the expertise, compliance support, and streamlined HR processes that EOR services provide, ultimately enhancing their operational efficiency. In fact, Asanify has been designed keeping in mind the specific needs of SMEs. Irrespective of the size of your business, Asanify EOR can help you recruit talent from India seamlessly without you having to stress about the complex employment laws prevailing here.

Myth 2: “EOR Costs Are Only About Payroll Processing”

Another prevailing myth is that the cost of EOR services in India is primarily associated with payroll processing. While payroll is a significant component, the overall pricing structure is more comprehensive. EOR services encompass a range of responsibilities, including compliance management, legal support, benefits administration, and employee onboarding/offboarding. Failing to recognize the holistic nature of EOR services can lead to misunderstandings about the value they provide beyond mere payroll processing. Asanify EOR provides value for money as you get access to a consolidated set of features with excellent customer support. And, that too, at a minimal price- something which is hard to be found with other service providers.

Myth 3: “All EOR Providers Offer the Same Pricing Structure”

Assuming that all EOR providers have identical pricing structures is a misconception. Different providers may have unique approaches to pricing based on their service offerings, expertise, technology integration, and additional services provided. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and engage in discussions with potential EOR partners to understand the specific elements of their pricing models and how they align with your business’s needs.

Myth 4: “EOR Costs Are Fixed and Non-Negotiable”

Some businesses may believe that the costs associated with EOR services are non-negotiable and fixed. In reality, there is often room for negotiation, especially for larger engagements or unique business requirements. Businesses should approach EOR providers with a clear understanding of their needs and expectations, fostering a transparent discussion about pricing structures, potential customization, and any flexibility that can be offered. Asanify offers huge discounts and vouchers for every user. As a result, you can always find a rate that matches your level of ease and convenience.

Myth 5: “EOR Services Are Only for Companies Expanding Their Workforce”

A prevalent myth is that EOR services are exclusively for companies actively expanding their workforce in India. While expansion is a common scenario, businesses with existing operations in India can also benefit from EOR services. These services can help in restructuring HR processes, ensuring compliance with evolving regulations, and optimizing the overall workforce management strategy.

Myth 6: “Employer of Record India Costs Are All-Inclusive, With No Additional Expenses”

Assuming that EOR costs are entirely all-inclusive and cover every potential expense is a misconception. While many services are included in the standard package, certain situations or additional services may incur extra charges. Understanding the scope of services, potential customization needs, and any additional costs is crucial to avoiding surprises in the billing process.

It’s important for businesses considering EOR services in India to dispel these myths and approach the decision-making process with accurate information. Engaging in open communication with potential EOR providers, understanding the comprehensive nature of the services offered, and exploring flexible solutions tailored to specific business needs can lead to a more informed and effective partnership.

Also Read: Everything You Need to Know About the New Labor Code in India 

Final Words- Employer of Record India Cost

As we conclude our exploration of Employer of Record (EOR) services in India and their associated costs, it becomes evident that the decision to engage an EOR provider is not merely a financial transaction but a strategic investment in the growth and success of your business on the Indian landscape. In the dynamic realm of international expansion, the cost considerations of EOR services should be viewed through a broader lens. It ought to be one, that encompasses not only immediate budgetary concerns, but also long-term benefits and the value delivered by the chosen provider.

Choosing the right EOR service provider in India involves a delicate balance between cost-effectiveness and the ability to provide comprehensive, compliant, and scalable solutions. It’s a journey of aligning your business goals with the expertise of a partner who understands the intricacies of India’s diverse regulatory landscape. Remember, the true measure of success is not solely in the bottom line but in the seamless integration of your workforce into the Indian market. The mitigation of compliance risks and the empowerment of your business to focus on its core objectives play a key role in determining the success your business achieves with a specific service provider. Employer of Record companies like Asanify offers top-notch services that would help you boost employee satisfaction, productivity, retention, and most importantly, save the precious asset of time.

In the realm of Employer of Record services, the right investment today can yield dividends in terms of efficient operations, compliance peace of mind, and the ability to scale your workforce strategically. As you weigh the costs, remember that the true value lies not just in what you spend today. Rather, it lies in the opportunities, growth, and resilience it affords your business tomorrow.

 Frequently Asked Questions- Employer of Record India Cost

1. What is the Employer of Record (EOR) in India, and how does it impact Employer of Record Pricing?

The EOR in India is a service that legally employs workers on behalf of a foreign company, handling payroll, compliance, and administrative tasks. The cost is influenced by various factors such as compliance requirements, payroll complexity, and additional services.

2. Is Employer of Record cost-effective for small businesses entering the Indian market?

Yes, EOR services in India can be cost-effective for small businesses. Providers often offer scalable solutions. This makes it accessible for companies of various sizes to expand without the need for a legal entity.

3. What are the main components that contribute to Employer of Record India cost?

The cost of EOR services includes factors like payroll processing, compliance management, employee benefits, administrative support, and any additional customized services required by the client.

4. How do EOR providers typically structure their service fees in India?

EOR service fees can be structured as a percentage of the total payroll or a fixed monthly amount. The exact structure varies between providers and may depend on the size and specific needs of the client.

5. Are there setup fees involved in engaging an EOR in India?

Yes, some EOR providers may charge a one-time setup fee. This fee covers the initial onboarding process, customization of services, and ensuring the client’s specific requirements are met.

6. Does Employer of Record pricing vary across different states in India?

While the core services are consistent, additional costs may vary based on state-specific compliance requirements. EOR providers ensure compliance with local labor laws, which can differ from one state to another.

7. Can EOR services help in managing taxes for employees in India?

Yes, EOR services include tax management for employees. This covers aspects such as income tax withholding, filing returns, and compliance with Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations where applicable.

8. Are there any hidden costs associated with Employer of Record India pricing?

EOR providers are transparent about their pricing structures. However, clients should discuss and clarify any potential additional costs related to customized services, legal support, or compliance audits.

9. Can EOR services in India handle benefits administration, such as Provident Fund (PF) and Employee State Insurance (ESI)?

Yes, EOR services often include benefits administration. The EOR services will help ensure compliance with statutory requirements like PF, ESI, and other employee benefits mandated by Indian labor laws.

10. Is it possible to negotiate the pricing with EOR providers in India?

In many cases, negotiation is possible, especially for larger engagements or when specific customization is required. It’s advisable to discuss pricing openly with potential EOR partners to find a mutually beneficial arrangement.

11. Can EOR services be utilized by businesses already operating in India?

Yes, EOR services are not exclusive to expanding businesses. Companies with existing operations in India can leverage EOR services for optimizing HR processes, ensuring compliance, and managing workforce restructuring.

12. Q: How does the size of the workforce impact the cost charged by Employer of Record companies in India?

The size of the workforce can influence the cost. Larger workforces typically involve more complex payroll processing, increased compliance risks, and higher administrative overhead.


Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.