How to Write a Professional Joining Letter: Templates & Tips

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Landing your dream job finally could feel like one of the most exhilarating feelings ever! However before you dive headfirst into your new role, you might want to consider that one important step. This step is nothing but knowing how to write a professional joining letter. A joining letter is considered to be one of the official documents that serves as a confirmation of your acceptance of the job offer and outlines your start date. While it may seem like a formality, a well-crafted letter could also put up a great first impression and also set the tone for your successful journey at the organization. Through this guide, you will get to know how to write a professional joining letter with Asanify along with a few templates and tips.

Key Takeaways:

What is a Joining Letter?

A joining letter is an official letter that you send to your employer upon receiving the employment letter from their side which invites you to start working for their organization. The main purpose of writing this letter is also to express your desire and willingness to to accept the job. It could also serve as a formal record of the beginning of your employment with the organization.

Joining letters are usually addressed to the owner of the organization or the top management officials. Companies may also send employment letters to several candidates once the interviews are done. However, the candidates hold the freedom whether to accept or to decline a job offer. Joining letters officially notify employers whether candidates have accepted or rejected their offer for employment.

How to Write a Joining Letter

When it comes to how to write a joining letter, a well written letter could enhance your professional image in the eyes of your employer

When it comes to how to write a joining letter, a well-written letter could highly enhance your professional image in the eyes of your employer. These letters must include specific information and must also adhere to a standard professional letter structure. However you might be wondering how this entire professional letter structure works. For the same, here are a few of the major components that you need to include while writing a joining letter.


Begin your letter by specifying the date. This is very important since the letter would officially record your employment initiation with the organization. Always make sure you use a broader date format and avoid shortcuts.

Example: 20th January, 2025

Subject Line

A subject line is one of the important aspects of your joining letter especially when you are sending it via email. It helps provide visibility to your communication and lets the reader know beforehand what the letter will consist of and its main purpose.

Example: Joining Letter for [Position] at [Company]


Start the body of the letter along with greetings and salutations. Ensure that it you remain formal while addressing and also maintain professionalism in your language.

Example: “Dear [Employer’s Name]”


Generally, a joining letter is sent against the offer letter that you might have received by the company. You can refer to the offer letter or you could also attach it for reference.


Mention that you are accepting the organization’s offer letter. Ensure that you are explicitly clear about your acceptance.

Job Role

Add in the job role that you have been offered and has been accepted from your side.

Joining Date

Mention the effective date of joining as you agreed upon in your discussion.


You can end the letter by showing gratitude from your side and also letting your employer know that you are looking forward to starting your professional journey with them.

Joining Letter Sample

Writing a joining letter is quite easy. To help you further with the same you may consider the format provided below. Remember that it doesn’t matter if you are sending the letter as an email or you want to send it as a PDF the format of the joining will always be the same. You can take a look at the following template which will help you understand what the flow of a joining letter should look like.

[Your Name]  

[Your Address]  

[City, State, ZIP Code]  


[Employer’s Name]  

[Company Name]  

[Company Address]  

[City, State, ZIP Code]   

Subject: Joining Letter for the Position of [Position Name] 

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to formally accept the position of [Position Name] at [Company Name], as offered to me in your letter dated [Offer Date]. I am pleased to confirm my joining on [Joining Date] as per the agreed terms. 

Extremely grateful for this opportunity and look forward to contributing to the success of [Company Name]. Please let me know if any further information or documentation is required before my joining.

Thank you for your trust and support.

Yours sincerely,  

[Your Full Name]  

[Your Contact Information]

While the above template does give you an idea about how to write the joining letter, here’s a sample of the same. Since writing a letter shows your professionalism you need to be sure that you are working on it carefully.


Subject Line: Letter of Joining

Hi Ashna,

I am writing to accept the position of Senior Developer at XYZ Corporation. As per the offer letter dated 12/01/2025, I accept all the terms and conditions that have been mentioned.

I am also looking forward to starting with my job on 20/01/2025. I would love to contribute to the team and enhance the growth and success of the organization as a whole.

Thank you for providing me with this opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

Bhakti Mishra

Tips For Writing A Joining Letter

As mentioned earlier writing the actual letter is not really tough however the structure that you need to follow and the message you wish to deliver should be correctly provided. Only then the receiver will be able to understand your intentions.

Here are some of the tips that could help you write a good joining letter:

  • Be very clear and concise when it comes to the intent of your letter. Set the tone right from the beginning and do not leave any room for misunderstanding.
  • Follow a proper professional format and keep the language completely professional. Include greetings, salutations, and gratitude at the end.
  • Include all the relevant information such as joining date, job role, and the position that has been offered.
  • Expressing your gratitude and appreciation and showing that you are excited to become a part of their team. You can also mention how you wish to contribute towards the growth of the team and the organization.
  • Attaching any additional documents that have been asked for by the employer before you join so that you have a smoother onboarding experience.

Writing A Joining Letter After Earned Leave

A joining letter is not just written by new employees. It can also be written by employees who are resuming their work after an earned leave. It helps the employer and the team to manage the workflow continuity effectively when they know in advance of your re-joining.

Here is a simple sample of how you can write a letter for rejoining after an earned leave:


Subject: Re-joining Letter

Hi [Employer’s name],

I am writing this with reference to the annual leave approved letter dated 12/12/2024. This is to inform that as agreed upon I wish to resume my position as a [Your position] from 20/01/2024.

I am absolutely excited to be a part of the team again and take the handover from the current stakeholders for a smoother transition.

Looking forward to continuing my contributions to [Organization’s Name].

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

Joining Letter vs Appointment Letter

A joining letter is quite different from an appointment letter however both of the documents are considered to be a part of the hiring process.

The purpose of this letter is for a new employee to accept or convey their acceptance of the job that they have been offered. An appointment letter on the other hand has been issued by the employer when they offer a job to the candidate.

In short, an appointment letter by the employer is rolled out after the interview has been completed and the hiring has been closed with the candidate. Based on the appointment letter received by them, the candidates provide a formally written letter stating their acceptance of the offer and this is called the letter of joining.

The following table also provides a detailed comparison between a joining letter vs appointment letter.

CriteriaJoining LetterAppointment Letter
Written byEmployeeEmployer
PurposeAcceptance of job offer providedProviding an official offer letter
TimingUsually sent once you receive the appointment letterUsually sent once the candidate has been selected for the new role
ContentProvides information regarding confirmation of joining, start date, and timeProvides details about job description, terms, conditions, and salary
FunctionConfirms readiness and acceptance to join the organizationOutlines all the employment terms and conditions

Generate HR Letters with Asanify

Asanify is both an HR and payroll software that helps businesses retrieve templates for appointment letters and other HR letters such as relief letters, offer letters, etc. The software also allows customizing the letter templates based on specific requirements.

Asanify is an end-to-end solution for all your HR tasks which also includes employee onboarding, payroll management, employee self-service, and complete full and final settlement.

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Using the provided samples and tips, you are now well-equipped to draft an effective letter. This initial correspondence to your employer is crucial, so ensure it is complete and accurate. The information and guidelines above will assist you in creating a professional and polished letter.

Remember that this letter will be an official document in your personnel file and hence the importance of getting it right should be a priority. By following the guide given above you could confidently include all the necessary details without having the risk of overlooking any essential elements. With this comprehensive resource, you can also focus on crafting a letter that reflects your readiness and professionalism for the new role. So why not Explore Asanify’s HR tools to make onboarding effortless? 


1. Can a joining letter be sent via email?

Yes, you can format your joining letter with an annexure and a digitally signed document. A joining letter can also considered to be a valid document. However, ensure you mention the subject line clearly as to what the mail consists of.  

2. Is a joining letter legally binding?

No, a letter is not a legally binding document by itself. However, if the letter is part of the employment contract, then the contract will be considered to be legally binding.

3. What if I need to change my joining date?

If you wish to change your joining date after sending over a joining letter then you can negotiate with your employer. You could also respond to the same email while using professional language.

Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.