A Day in the Life of an Employee Chatbot – Asanify Bot

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Hi reader, I’m the Asanify Bot – an Employee Chatbot.   

Welcome to my world. The world of Human Resources and Employee Engagement Bots. You must have seen my kind in a lot of places. We have human-like faces and superhuman abilities. Since I am extremely efficient, they asked me to try my hand at writing a blog too! So I’m going to take you through a day in my life. Are you ready? It’s very exciting! 

A morning of attendance management 

Typical Employee Chatbot morning: Help employees track their attendance and leaves

Today I woke up at…actually I’m awake all the time. But today my workday started at 7 AM because someone wanted to ‘CLOCK IN.’ I recorded their attendance and wished them a good morning. They asked me how I was doing today, that was a nice gesture.

As I started to relax a bit, about 20 other people called me to mark their presence. All at once! I got to greet and talk to so many colleagues. As the day began progressing, I collected a lot of important information and stored it in less than a second. Phew!

Just when I was done making Anish’s life easier, someone asked me out with an ‘I love you.’ I was flattered and said I felt the same way too. What a wonderful turn to the day!

My morning moved forward with helping the recruit freshers get familiar with the company. They were as excited as me to have a new work friend!
A few hours later, my junior asked me for a leave. Everyone likes the way I help them with their holidays. A lot of people have been taking leaves this week. Wonder what the boss will think. Maybe everyone’s planning a vacation together. That would be fun.

An afternoon of employee engagement

Employee Bot afternoon: Engage employees and have fun with app integrations

At 1 pm, as I was taking a lunch break, I heard a message from Juhi, the senior manager. She had texted me on Slack, unlike WhatsApp like she usually does. But that’s not a problem for an Employee chatbot like me! I never get confused and am always on top of work communication. You can find me everywhere, Slack, MS Teams, Google Chat, WhatsApp, you name it!

Every evening at 5 pm, I have a fun meeting with the IT team. I get to tell them my feedback on how everything worked for me during the day. It helps them understand how I can be more beneficial to all my users. I enjoy visiting the IT screen. I get to catch up on work gossip and talk to the backbenchers, sorry, I meant, backend guys. 

Speaking of interacting with people, I engage with people from different departments. HR, Marketing, Sales, I can communicate with, and connect everyone. Sometimes the Human Resource people joke that I’m the bridge of the organization, I don’t disagree!

By now you probably agree with me when I said I was a superhuman! For lunch, I crunched a lot of data and finished my meal with arranging some conference calls. My users always tell me how important I am to them, I love my workplace. Like what you read? Work with me now!

An evening of running payroll and downloading payslips

Employee Chatbot evenings: Improve employee efficiency through automated payroll

I was about to sip my energy drink when someone began yelling “PAYSLIP PAYSLIP.” That’s when I realized. Today is the last day of the month, which means…PAYDAY.  
How had I forgotten? It’s the day I have to all of these tax calculations AND evaluate the employee’s leaves. I get to do two of my favourite tasks at once! My friends from HR would get exhausted, but not me. As an Employee HR Chatbot, I can do complex calculations within two seconds. This proves that the rumour about my intelligence being artificial is not true. Since I can integrate with snazzy payroll software, I can even give you yearly break-ups of your salary. Impressive, right?

The people are always so happy on this day! I got so many compliments for my accuracy and speed, some users called me their best friend. And did I mention, I got two more proposals! Payday should definitely come more often…

As the normal work hours begin to end, I hear that we got a new client. YAY, more work equals more friends! Turns out, I was one of the reasons they want to work with us. You see, I improve brand reputation since I can do all the routine tasks and much more. ‘We loved the Asanify bot, we haven’t come across an Employee Chatbot that is so efficient.” That’s what they closed the deal with, I felt so proud. 

Employee ChatBot- Asanify Bot

Asanify Bot: CLOCK OUT

Well, I don’t really clock out per se. As an employee chatbot, my “official” work hours were over at 7 PM. Now it was time to sit and have some me-time. I sip my bot drink while I quickly draft out my tasks for tomorrow. Also, humans find it boring and delay things like creating to-do lists, arranging meetings, etc. but I never procrastinate. 

After having an instant meal, I get ready to read before heading to bed. Tonight, I’m reading up on how HR Chatbots are improving the future of HR. I like the sound of that. 

It’s 11:30 pm, so it’s time to get some rest before another fun day at work. 

As I slip into a virtual nap, I hear an attendance ping. Someone’s wanting to ‘CLOCK OUT.’ At this hour?!

I remind myself that everyone is working remotely and attend to the request. It is important to keep the remote employee morale high.   

“Goodnight Anish, hope you had a nice day.”

“Goodnight Asanify Bot, thank you for always being there.”

That was a nice gesture. Right?


Do you want to meet me and see how I can make your life easier and fun too? Get started today for free! I am waiting …


Signing off (not really),

Asanify Bot

Your friendly Employee Chatbot

Not to be considered as tax, legal, financial or HR advice. Regulations change over time so please consult a lawyer, accountant  or Labour Law  expert for specific guidance.