Employee Survey: How to Craft the Best Questionnaire?

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Have you ever wondered what employees think about your company? Do they love working in your firm? Or, are they facing problems with the prevailing work culture? Want to know how to use employee voice as a strategic business tool? Well, that’s a lot of questions staring at you! Guess what? You will get answers to all these questions by conducting an employee survey.

Not quite familiar with employee questionnaire? Don’t worry. Our blog has everything that you need to know when things come to:

  • gathering feedback from employees;
  • using the responses to extract key findings;
  • bringing about changes in your company

Employee survey can turn out to be a goldmine for every businesses out there. Questionnaire in employee surveys helps in shedding light on one of the core key indicators of company growth, that is, employee experience.

Understanding how your employees take the work culture and how they feel is of primal importance. And, improving employee experience is synonymous with boosting overall company performance.

No matter if you are from the HR, management or company leadership team, this blog has everything you need to organize a survey for employees in an accurate fashion. C’mon, let’s get started with the basics and go about ascending towards various crucial details of employment surveys.

By the end of the blog, you will become an expert at organizing workplace engagement survey. With our compiled list of the ready-to-use examples of staff survey questions, your work will be half done.

Table of Contents

What is an Employee Survey?

Simply put, an employee survey is like a litmus test of a company’s culture. It is a kind of questionnaire that employers design to assess employee morale, perception, sentiments, engagement, achievement, and their overall satisfaction with the prevailing company culture. Since these factors cumulatively affect the business turnover, keeping a tab on how your employee feels and thinks is crucial.

Usually, the HR and Management Department of a company take charge of preparing and conducting survey for employees. These are kept anonymous to ensure that the entire labor force go about revealing their honest experiences without any hesitations through the employee questionnaire.

By using the employee survey feedback, managers and company leaders can chalk out strategies to bring in innovations in the workplace and enhance job satisfaction. But there is a twist! You can’t witness any enriching results from a workplace engagement survey if proper structure is not followed and apt questions are not asked. Ensuring that, the questions asked in the survey help you in understanding whether your team feels connected to their work, is essential. Some core topics that you can focus upon, while

According to Gallup, disengaged employees at work have 37% higher absenteeism with 18% lower productivity. The shocking fact? The brunt of it falls upon employers as disengagement costs them about 34% of their earnings. 

Evolution of the Importance of Employee Survey

  • The history of survey about employment traces back to 1920s when these were organized in the name of “employee attitude surveys.”
  • Fast forward to 20 years of its introduction in workplaces, the National Industrial Advisory witnessed a whopping 200% increase in the number of companies who executed these surveys.
  • In the present century, companies have made it a priority to hold company surveys for employees and make amends in accordance with the feedback that employees submit. About 50-75% of companies have made it a norm to carry out employee surveys and attract success.
  • Post-pandemic, the need to lend an ear to the concerns of employees has become paramount. This is because companies felt the increasing need to respond to employee voice, which is a crucial factor to attract success.

Recommended Read: Employee Recognition Letter- How to Make Your Employees Feel Appreciated + Template

Why Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey?

Let’s have a quick look at the reasons that make conducting an employee survey way too crucial for your company:

1. Evaluate Employee Engagement

Feedback questions from employees will help you delve deeper into the way your employees feel while at work. By including some pertinent questions and factors in the survey, you will be able to gauge whether the company workforce is enthusiastic and happy or frustrated and stressed with the present work culture. By taking inputs from the employee survey responses, you will be able to make suitable modifications to the way things are done in your organization.

2. Respond to Employee Voice

Breathe life into employee voice by paying heed to what they have to say about the company culture. Use this highly underrated yet essential tool of employee voice by making them feel that they are valued and cared for in the organization they are working. Take constructive feedback from them, let them share their views on multiple issues, and use their suggestions to drive higher retention and productivity.

3. Pick Up On Employee Engagement Gaps

By using employee feedback, you can look for areas that require improvement. Responses to employee survey questionnaire will help you identify aspects in which engagement is much-needed. In that way, you can foster a healthy work culture in which employees are treated as human beings, worthy of being appreciated and heard.

4. Boost Business Turnover

Survey for employees serves the function of a transparent lens by offering you a raw montage of your employees’ real feelings about their workplace. By reviewing the answers to feedback questions from employees, you will be able to target the key areas in your business requiring improvement. Once you implement the required changes, you will see how employees start getting more productive, and thereby contribute to the overall company growth. And, in return, the business turnover will witness a spurt.

Many companies conduct workplace surveys for their employees, with recent literature predicting prevalence rates to fall between 50% and 75%, reveals SHRM in one of its research reports. 

Top 10 Types of Employee Surveys

Employee surveys can be of diverse types, depending upon the intent behind conducting one. For instance, you may want to assess the holistic performance of employees. Or say, you are planning to improve employee retention rate by evaluating the level of employee engagement. Whatever your objective is, we’ve listed down the most common types of employment surveys that would suit your purpose. Let’s see what these are!

#1: Company Culture Survey

Company or workplace culture survey helps in assessing whether employees feel comfortable with the prevailing environment at work. It is all about understanding whether the company leadership creates a positive and conducive ambience for growth. Core questions from this kind of employment survey evaluate the following:

  • Whether employees feel a sense of fear while voicing their concerns and suggestions;
  • Whether employees feel motivated at workplace;
  • Whether the workplace culture fosters diversity and inclusion

Employee survey questionnaire of this kind helps in unravelling various aspects of the work culture in an organization. The company leadership team can then introduce improvements, refine organizational system, and attract the inception of a healthy work culture.

#2: Yearly Review Survey

Yearly or annual review survey helps in examining the overall performance of employees in an organization. The HR department conducts this survey to:

  • take cognizance of employee achievements;
  • pin-point areas where employees can bring in an array of improvements;
  • give constructive feedback to employees;
  • maintain a record of employee performance;
  • make suggestions for professional or career enhancement opportunities to employees

#3: Employee Engagement Survey

Employee engagement survey is instrumental in revealing whether employees feel valued or supported by the company leadership team. The core objective behind organizing an employee engagement survey is to enhance the employee retention rate. This survey lays bare the fact whether an employee is satisfied with the job and is doing their best or is just unhappy with the work and not putting in their best efforts. Employers and company leaders get to have a rough idea of employees who are likely to switch to some other company, through this type of employment survey questionnaire. In that way, the leadership team can work on towards bringing in measures of boosting employee retention rate manifold.

#4: Employee Experience Survey

Usually, the HR department conducts an employee experience survey to comprehend how the experience of their employees has been so far. Managers and company leaders can take valuable inputs from the survey responses to assess how employees perceive the current way in which various processes are carried out in the company. In short, this survey type helps employers in elevating employee experience, by focusing on the areas they deserve improvement.

#5: Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee satisfaction survey contains feedbacks from employees that help demonstrating whether the workforce is content with the company. Some of the common parameters that help in establishing the level of employee satisfaction in a company, include:

  • Rules and regulations of the company;
  • Salary;
  • Job Satisfaction;
  • Employee benefits and incentives;
  • Overall workplace culture and management

The best thing about an employee satisfaction survey is that it empowers your teams to share their viewpoints without any reluctance or fear. In that way, they would feel that their voice matters, thereby, giving them a sense of belongingness with the company. Consequently, this would not only enhance employer branding but also improve the employer-employee relation in the organization.

#6: Exit Interview Survey

As you can gauge from the name itself, an exit interview survey is held when an employee leaves the company or resigns. The management team can then use the survey results to stimulate business operations. Further, they can also make necessary modifications to the job role that just got vacant. Findings from employee survey questions may also help the company in curbing the employee attrition rate. This can be easily done by targeting the negative aspects that made an employee leave that company. Bringing in improvements in this direction can work wonders for the company!

#7: Employee Onboarding Survey

Employee onboarding survey is conducted while keeping new hires as the core participants. Companies make use of this survey to understand the quality of the hiring and employee onboarding process. This is crucial to bring in significant changes to the recruitment operations and make the onboarding process a smooth and seamless one for the fresh hires.

#8: Management Performance Survey

Employees take part in this kind of survey to express their views on the efficacy of the company management and top leadership team. The main purpose of organizing this survey is to enhance the way internal communication takes place. Further, it helps in improving the leadership traits of professionals working at the apex in that company.

#9: Post-Training Employee Survey

This kind of team engagement survey examines the usefulness of an employee training session. By evaluating whether the training session was held in a suitable way to assessing its impact upon employees, this survey aims to gain clarity about the extent to which employees can wield their newly-absorbed knowledge after the training session.

#10: Pulse Survey

Pulse survey refers to a short, crisp survey in which employees participate periodically, that is, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. The intent of the organizers behind conducting a pulse survey is to gain quick insights into specific areas, such as:

  • Job role;
  • Contentment;
  • Company culture;
  • Job satisfaction;
  • Ease of communication;
  • Diversity and inclusion, etc.

#11: 360 Survey

This form of employment surveys takes a deeper look into employee performance holistically. A 360-appraisal of every employee is conducted, and on the basis of the survey findings, improvements are introduced to ensure employees give their best shot at work.

Lower levels of employee engagement costs the global economy a staggering $8.8 trillions, equating to 9% of global GDP. 

Key Considerations Before Organizing Employee Surveys

Before you plunge into the process of holding staff surveys, make sure you are taking into consideration the following pointers.

#1: Be Clear About the Goals You Wish to Achieve Through the Survey

You may want to evaluate employee engagement level via the survey. Or, you may aspire to assess management performance and understand the existing leadership standards in the company. Whatever your objective is, it is crucial that you define the survey goals prior to conducting the employee survey. After all, doing anything without having fixed goals in mind, has never fetched apt results. Identify your aims and stride forward to achieve the same by presenting your employees with the employee survey questions.

#2: Identify the Key Metrics You Wish to Measure

Prepare the questions of staff engagement survey by considering the key performance indicators. Affix in your mind the core metrics that you need to gauge in the survey. This will help you in hatching suitable plans to bring about improvements in targeted areas.

#3: Decide the Frequency of Conducting Employee Surveys

Depending upon respective company policies, the frequency of holding employee surveys varies. While some companies prefer to hold employee surveys monthly, some may do so annually. It is a prudent idea to frame rules regarding employee surveys as per your company policies. Apart from deciding the intervals at which employee surveys will take place, make sure you have a proper plan in mind for the following things:

  • The way survey for employees will be conducted;
  • The mode in which employees will participate in the survey, that is, offline or online;
  • The basis on which the survey will be held, that is, role-wise or team-wise

After you decide on the above crucial factors, stick to the established framework. In that way, you can organize employee surveys efficiently. Further, you won’t have to worry as to when you should conduct surveys or the method you have to adopt to make it a success. Because, everything will be predefined already.

#4: Use a Smart Survey Tool

Why spend time on manual organization of questionnaires when you can use an online survey tool for the same? Save your precious time by using an efficient survey tool that would empower you with a huge collection of ready-to-use survey templates. Tools like these will aid you in automated data collection and fast generation of reports. So, you can now spend time on building your business and let the survey tool ease things for you.

#5: Include the Option for Employees to Stay Anonymous

Employee survey objectives include gaining access to honest opinions and unfiltered feedback from employees. And, it may not be possible to achieve that aim if staff surveys are not kept anonymous. This is because employees may shy away from sharing their true experience with the company. Fear of being called out by the company management team or receiving backlash may dissuade an employee from being honest with their responses. Using a survey tool to make employee surveys fully anonymous is a remarkable idea. In that way, you can keep all your employee data safe and secure.

Top 5 Mistakes Companies Make While Conducting Employee Surveys

To ensure you do it right, we’ve listed down some of the most common mistakes that companies end up committing while conducting an employee survey. Let’s see what these are to ensure you can avert making these mishaps while presenting your employees with questionnaire for surveys.

#1: Organizing Employee Survey Once a Year

Several companies out there are organizing employee surveys once a year. You may wonder if there is anything wrong about it at all. Well, yes! Presenting your workforce with an annual staff survey may not resonate well with them. This would translate to a feeling among employees that you are interested in paying heed to their experiences only once in a year. As a result, their year-long suggestions and grievances will only keep accumulating without finding a vent for the release of their discontentment.

The solution lies in taking the initiative to hold employee pulse surveys. Conduct short and quick employee surveys by narrowing down the focus on specific areas such as job contentment, leadership, remuneration, work culture, etc., in each sessions. If you survey employees yearly, the fallibility of human memory will crop up in the scene. Because, it is apparent that employees’ power of recollecting things will be hampered to some extent. Thus, it would lead to inaccurate results.

To make the most of employee surveys, conduct it frequently, say, weekly or monthly. Making employees submit short surveys is more preferable than making them pore over lengthy employee survey questionnaire.

If you are wondering if conducting employee surveys can be a good idea as well, the answer will be in the negative. Imagine, you are making your team members complete answering to some questions or the other every day. The repercussion? Well, it will be way too monotonous and may lead to “survey fatigue.” This is yet another mistake employers make while surveying employees. Let’s delve deep into this, next.

#2: Creating Survey Fatigue in Employees

It is evident that employees will get frustrated if you roll out survey questions every now and then. Such a situation is known as “survey fatigue.” The responses from such surveys may not be precise enough, because employees may just submit the questionnaire anyhow to get rid of the task. After all, it is tiring to fill up staff survey questions frequently.

Survey fatigue may also rear its head when employees find a certain survey to be utterly meaningless. So, how can you solve this problem? Well, in situations like these, the leadership needs to take charge of the situation. They need to illuminate employees on the need for conducting those surveys.

Decoding the intent behind organizing surveys will help employees understand how crucial their feedback is for the overall growth of the company. Further, as mentioned above, conduct short surveys weekly or monthly to prevent employees from getting bored with filling up feedback forms.

#3: Inclusion of Biased Employee Engagement Questions

The main employee survey objective is to gather essential inputs about diverse aspects of workplace culture and bring about necessary improvements. However, such an aim turns into a distant dream if the survey questions turn out to be heavily biased.

Survey biases can be of the following kinds:

  • Selection Bias- This happens when the employee feedback question is prepared without keeping in mind the interests of the target group of employees, for whom the survey is conducted. As a result, the data obtained from the responses can’t be used to make changes. This is because, the survey didn’t represent the right lot of workforce in the first place.
  • Confirmation Bias: This kind of prejudice in the survey context happens when the organizer intentionally incorporates questions that would help them extract data to confirm their perception.
  • Social Desirability Bias: This form of bias emerges when the respondents purposely select those options that would present them in a positive light in front of their managers. In a bid to impress their leaders, they end up choosing the “best” options, thereby leading to the collection of inaccurate data.

The key to drafting the best questions on employee engagement lies in seeking assistance from data scientists. Further, taking their help in the interpretation of data, generated as a part of survey responses, is essential to shed light on crucial aspects.

Make sure that the questions asked are not biased in any form. Also, refrain from using excessive jargon in the staff survey questions. Employees might not be aware of every terminologies out there.

#4: Conducting Employee Surveys With No Follow-up Action

Let’s say, everything starting from employee survey topics, questions to responses are perfect. What next? Well, now comes the most important thing- the power to act and bring about improvements in the existing system.

Simply organizing employee surveys with no plans of taking suitable action is highly disappointing for employees. They grow disillusioned with the company, and feel less engaged. As a result, employee attrition rate keeps increasing.

Team engagement survey results need to be used to spark off discussions about the betterment of the company culture. Including employees in these discussions can work miracles. Both the company leadership and the workforce can then brainstorm together to bring about novelties in the way business processes are carried out.

All you need to do is mine the employee survey results to welcome innovations in your company. In its aftermath, you will witness the workforce not only feeling engaged to the company but also giving their best to drive revenue.

#5: Being Completely Dependent on Third-Party Platforms for Employee Survey Completion

Most companies outsource the survey completion activity to a third-party platform. While there is nothing wrong about it, transferring the baton completely to that platform may not fetch conducive outcome for the company.

You can obviously rely on a survey tool for scheduling employee survey questionnaire, and generating reports. However, ensure that you are still actively involved in the surveying process. Depending upon the survey results you get, act upon bringing in the required changes in the management process.

Several companies, that use a third-party platform, get so detached from the surveying process that they miss out on interpreting the survey results. Always remember that an efficient survey tool aids you in automating repetitive tasks. But, only the company leaders have complete hold of the vital part of reflecting on the survey outcome and implementing changes.

The best idea is to include the CHRO in the surveying process. Participation of C-suite members in the change execution process along with employees can bring about remarkable changes in the company. In that way, employees will feel valued and appreciated.

Trick to Asking Apt Questions in an Employee Survey

The only way you can access highly precise data from survey responses is by asking the right questions. While there is no rocket science involved in coming up with apt survey questionnaire, following these tips will help you level up the questionnaire-designing task.

#1: Less is More

Keep the employee survey questions short and crisp. Try to keep it to-the-point and avoid beating around the bush. Designing lengthy questions may not only confuse employees but also test their patience. Therefore, keeping the survey questions for employees concise is much advisable.

#2: Keep Bias at Bay

As mentioned above, letting bias seep into your survey questions won’t let you access right data that you want from the responses. For instance, adding questions like: “What is your opinion on our newly built glitzy, renovated office building?” or “What do you think about our diversity inclusion practice?”– would channelize the respondents to answer in the affirmative. This is because, the language in these questions is such that it will compel most of the employees to give a positive response, even if they felt otherwise in real. As a result, paying attention to writing neutral questions for an employee survey is of supreme importance.

#3: Merging Varied Topics in One Question is a Big No-No

Avoid overlapping two different subjects in a single question. Instead, ask two distinct questions focusing on individual topics. If you are pondering why, the answer is here. Seeking employee responses on two separate issues in a single question would not only create confusion but make them answer only a part of it. So, you may not procure the exact information that you needed.

#4: Be Particular & Ask  Straightforward Questions

Keep all employee feedback questions to-the-point and straightforward. Asking specific questions ensures access to honest responses. Further, being particular will help you take suitable actions and apt decisions, depending upon the responses that you receive.

Advantages of an Employee Survey

Let’s have a quick look at the array of advantages an employee survey brings forth!

#1: Helps Focus on Crucial People-Centric Issues

Employee surveys aid the company leadership team to pay attention to the following core aspects, necessary to drive organizational growth and success:

  • Company culture;
  • Employee engagement and contentment in the office;
  • Employee retention and productivity;
  • Continuous employee feedback on the conduction of day-to-day business processes

#2: Quick Redressal of Employee Grievances

Employee survey results help in shedding light on the problems that employees are currently facing in your company. The responses help illuminate on employee complaints. As a result, company leaders get to understand the issues that are disturbing their workforce. This helps them take suitable actions to solve employee problems efficiently.

#3: Fosters Better Communication With Employees

Facilitation of employee communication is another benefit that employee surveys bring on the table. This is because, staff surveys help in lending support to employee voice. As a result, the communication gap between the workforce and company management gets bridged. And, improved employee communication is integral to attracting overall company expansion.

#4: Monitor Employee Performance

You can use the powerful tool of employee survey to track employee performance. Keeping employee track record updated is essential to ensure that your workforce is able to give their best to meet the goals. Staff surveys help managers in appreciating the contributions of employees, on the basis of their performance. Further, company leaders can suggest improvements to employees, in case any flaw is reported.

#5: Improvement in the Way Business Processes are Completed

Precious employee feedback via surveys helps managers understand the existence of any possible loopholes or flaws in the way business processes are completed. The leadership team of the company can then work on the survey findings to introduce betterment in the way daily business operations are completed. As a result, overall company growth emerges to be a crucial change in the aftermath of holding employee surveys.

40+ Unmissable Questions to Include in Your Employee Survey

Now that you are aware of the nitty-gritty of conducting an employee survey, let’s see what questions you may include in the survey form to make the event a success.

Employee Survey Questions on Personal Growth

The following survey questionnaire heavily focuses on the growth of personal aspirations of your employees. Asking these questions in the employee survey would help you understand if the company culture is in perfect alignment with their professional goals. If survey results reveal that the company is not creating conditions conducive for the career growth of an employee, chances are that they may leave that company in future. Therefore, understanding if your company is creating roadblocks in the career trajectory of your employees is highly significant.

  1. List down your career goals. Please explain, with reasons, why these are crucial in your life.
  2. In the last six months, did you accomplish any career goals? If yes, please write them down.
  3. What resources for training and career development would you like the organization to continue providing the employees with?
  4. Does your immediate senior/manager mentor you regularly for improvement in job performance?
  5. What urges you to give your 100% at work? Please mention three main motivating factors that trigger you to give your best.
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10, what rating would you give to your work-life balance?
  7. What is your recent achievement at work? Please describe in details.
  8. Do you think there are sufficient chances for growth at this organization?
  9. Do you feel engaged in the decision-making process pertaining to your work?
  10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how challenged do you feel at work on a day-to-day basis?

Suggested Read: Ultimate Guide to Managing Employee Performance in the Best Way

Employee Survey Questions on Management Efficiency

Understanding if your company’s management process is efficient from the perspective of employees is way too crucial. This is because you get to gain insights into the way the company is administered. Revelations from this kind of employee survey will help you focus on improving those aspects about which employees have something alarming to share.

11. On a scale of 1 to 10, please provide a rating as to whether your immediate manager recognizes your work contributions.

12. On a scale of 1 to 10, how esteemed and respected does your immediate manager/senior make you feel?

13. Does the company management team define clear goals to be achieved?

14. Is your direct supervisor/manager a person whom you can trust?

15. On a scale of 1 to 10, what rating would you give to your immediate supervisor’s management skills?

16. Is the management team in the company cohesive? Please describe your opinion in details.

17. What do you have to say about the transparency of the company leadership team? Please elaborate.

18. On a scale of 1 to 10, give a suitable rating as to whether you feel comfortable in submitting upward feedback to managers.

19. Did your manager give you a recognition in lieu of your work in the past months? If yes, please mention how frequently they are doing it.

20. Have you witnessed any positive changes in the company management ever since the employee surveys were conducted? If yes, please mention those changes.

Employee Survey Questions on the Company

Questions under this section will help you understand the extent to which your employees are tied with the company. Including the following questions in your staff survey to understand if the company missions and ethics resonate with the workforce. Further, these questions will help you test if the employees are engaged with the organization in the first place.

21.What made you join our organization? Please describe with two main reasons for the same.

22.  On a scale of 1 to 10, please give a rating that you think would be suitable for accounting the transparency of the company in terms of company performance.

23. Please share how do you imagine our company will be after five years in terms of business expansion, efficiency, innovation, and growth.

24. Do you feel a sense of pride while working for this company? Yes or No? Please answer with reasons.

25. Name at least 3 biggest strengths of our company that you think we need to concentrate on more.

26. Please name the core organizational values from your own memory without referring to anywhere else.

Employee Survey Questions on Employee Recognition and Morale

Asking the following employee survey questions would make your team members feel valued and appreciated. After all, your employees form one of the most crucial pillars supporting the foundation of your business. Giving them due recognitions for their labor will further propel them to strive excellence in the days to come. Moreover, encouraging your team members to celebrate their wins, no matter how big or small, is sure to bring about a healthy work culture in your organization.

27. Is employee recognition given at this company periodically?

28. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the suitability and meaningfulness of the recognition you receive in this company.

29. Does this company encourage peer recognition? (Yes/No)

Employee Survey Questions on Work Environment

Work environment plays an influential role in every company. Taking the initiative to hold an employee survey with the objective to shed light on hidden problems at the workplace is essential. Getting at the root of the existing problems in the team and eliminating these will be possible only when you organize a survey by keeping work environment as the focus. Let’s see what these employee survey questions are!

30. Enumerate at least three things that you dislike about the work environment.

31. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate your connection and bonding with your co-workers.

32. Do you think that your workplace evokes fun, laughter, and enjoyment as you go about completing your job responsibilities?

33. Mention three things that you like the most in your workplace.

34. If you are asked to describe the company work culture in one word, what would that be? Please leave an explanation as well.

35. Will you refer your folks to work here? Please explain with reasons.

36. On a scale of 1 to 10, what rating would you give to your onboarding experience at this company? Please back the rating you give with suitable reasons.

37. How many work buddies do you have at office?

38. On a scale of 1 to 10, what rating would you give to team-building activities at office?

39. Are you satisfied with the current workplace environment? Explain with reasons.

40. Do you receive relevant resource support from the company to complete your work successfully?

Employee Survey Questions on Compensation & Benefits

Analyzing if your company offers a competitive package from the perspective of employees is essential to understand if they are content with working at your firm. Further, understanding if your team members are pleased with the employee benefits is also important. Their candid responses will help you assess if your employees are planning to switch to some other company. Moreover, these survey findings will help you decide if you really need to revise employee compensation and benefits for higher workforce retention.

41. What do you think about your compensation and benefits package? Is it competitive? Please elucidate.

42. Is your compensation package here enough to not trigger you for a job switch? Please explain.

43. Does this company offer the requisite support and benefits package when things come to promoting your mental wellness?

44. Are you receiving all the employee benefits that you ought to deserve?

45. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the way your company handles employee leaves. Also mention if you get enough leave time in moments of need.

Frequently Asked Questions- Employee Surveys

1. What do you mean by employee survey?

An employee survey refers to a set of questions that demand employee perspective on job contentment, compensation, workplace culture, management efficiency, etc. Employers/company leaders can then use these surveys to understand what employees think of the company and its prevailing customs. In that way, the management team can take effective actions in accordance with the employee suggestions.

2. How do you survey an employee?

You can conduct an employee survey seamlessly by following certain steps. Firstly, fixate your mind on specific employee survey objectives. Secondly, decide the method following which you wish to conduct the staff survey. Now is the time to come up with the employee survey questionnaire. Next, educate your employees about the importance of participating in employee engagement surveys. Once you get access to the survey results, make sure to communicate these to your team members. Now comes the prime time of implementing changes and bringing about improvements as per the survey findings. Lastly, make it a point to organize engagement survey for employees periodically, say, once in a month or two weeks.

3. Why is employee survey important?

Employee survey is important because it helps identify target areas that need improvement. The company leadership or management team uses the employee survey reports to narrow down on the aspects that require modifications. Thus, surveys of this kind help stimulate employee satisfaction and attract greater business turnover.

4. What is another name for employee survey?

Employee survey also goes by several other names. For instance, these include employee engagement survey and employee opinion survey.

5. Why are surveys important?

Surveys are crucial for researchers (in this case, the company management team/the HR department) to pin-point areas of improvement and being about changes that employees suggest via their responses. An in-depth analysis of the rich set of survey data aids the company leadership team to bring about novelties in the company. This, in turn, will enhance the chances of greater revenue generation. That is why, conducting employee surveys in companies is way too crucial.

6. Do employee surveys work?

Yes, employees surveys can work wonders for your business only if you take actions as per employee recommendations via the survey results. So, it is super critical to ensure that you come up with actionable strategies to improve the pertinent areas. Further, pay attention to the fact that follow-up actions don’t turn cold on the part of the leadership team. That is to imply, bringing positive changes in an organization is possible only when follow-up actions accompany the survey. Therefore, unlocking the power of employee surveys is possible only when you take actions to bring about modifications.

7. Should I survey my employees?

It is a prudent decision to survey employees in a company at least once a year. However, doing so once a month has proven to fetch better results than conducting it annually.

8. Why are surveys good for HR?

Employee surveys may turn out to be extremely beneficial tools for the HR department of a company. This is because HR professionals can use employee voice to shape the future course of employee engagement activities in the company. Further, HR Managers can gauge various aspects of people management and assess employee motivation, job satisfaction, training sessions and so on. Therefore, the cumulative outcome will be the creation of an enhanced employee-centric work culture. As it goes without saying, this would then lead to overall business growth.

9. Are surveys accurate?

Yes, surveys have the potential to give you accurate results. However, these depend on certain core factors. These include- target respondents, time of survey and the frequency at which you are conducting it, rate of response, kinds of tools and methods you are adopting to collect and study responses, and the way you are analyzing the data. Therefore, the accuracy level of surveys will depend on how adept you are at conducting and interpreting it.

10. What is a good employee survey response rate?

A good employee survey response or participating rate varies, depending upon the number of employees working in a company. So, let’s see what is a good response rate for employee surveys. While 80-90% ought to be the ideal survey response rate for a company having less than 50 employees, 70-80% is a good figure for those companies having 500+ employees. However, for mega corporations having workforce exceeding 1000, 65-80% is a perfect survey participating rate.


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